Multiplied Blessings

Recently my Illinois neighbor Becky and I emailed back and forth about the mysterious phenomenon of God’s Spirit prompting us to do things for other people. Most of us want to obey him but then often respond ambiguously. “Good suggestion, Lord. I’ll get on that soon.”

We worry that obeying the Spirit’s urgings might expose us to embarrassment or rejection, so we give him excuses for why we can’t do it just yet or in that certain way. None of us likes to feel awkward or risk humiliation, so we procrastinate, though we’re not without good intentions.

Becky’s email included the back-story (which I hadn’t heard before) of what happened on one occasion when I said “yes” to the Spirit. I share it not to boast (since I’ve disregarded holy promptings more times than not) but to encourage all of us to act quickly on future Spirit-whispers.

It was 1993. Becky and I were becoming good pals, pushing our babies on the back yard swing set and sharing PB&J sandwiches on a blanket. We chatted about our lives and families and one day landed on spiritual matters. I sensed Becky’s heart was warming toward the Lord.

Eventually she asked a few questions about Scripture. It was during that conversation the Spirit tapped me: “Give her a Bible.”

“But I might offend her or seem preachy,” I said. “She might feel pressure to read it.”

But I did it, buying a textbook-style study Bible.

Now, from her recent email:

“Remember when you gave me a Bible? It’s the Bible I still use and love. It’s in sorry shape, but I’m very attached to it. I have every other translation on my bookshelves, but the Bible you gave me is special. I can’t imagine being without it!

“After receiving the Bible, I put it in my nightstand drawer where it stayed unopened for 6 years! Then in 1999 I was invited to a Bible study. Little did I know I was about to be introduced to Jesus. I’d completely forgotten about the Bible in my nightstand and took my mother-in-law’s 1929 King James Version. Months later God reminded me I already had a Bible that looked more like the other women’s Bibles, and I got it out of the nightstand drawer. Two years after that I surrendered my life to Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

“Over the last 7 years or so, I’ve given away 13 Bibles because of you, and have plans to give away 3 more. Those Bibles may be sitting in someone’s nightstand unopened for years just like mine was. But when God decides to make his move, those people will remember.

“John 6:65 says, ‘No one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.’ Thank you for my most treasured Bible!”

And that’s how God does it: 1 Bible given = 20 more Bibles given = 20 women receiving Bibles, who might each give 20 more = 400 Bibles = the way God moves through the Spirit’s promptings.

So when he whispers, “Do it,” we should all hop to it!

“God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5)

7 thoughts on “Multiplied Blessings

  1. Erwin Lutzer wrote “One Minute After You Die”. Every time I travel I take a few books with me and give them away. People are curious about the title and it’s an easy conversation.

  2. Just heard a Joyce Meyer teaching on this very thought today. Her encouraging words were to follow the prompting without thinking about it too much beforehand because we humans tend to rationalize it away,usually with much fear and insecurity. We might not be able to see at the moment how our obedience could make a positive impace on a person’s life, but the Holy Spirit of God does and He chooses each one of us as His vessel. The question is “will be ready and willing?” “Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you!”

  3. I’m constantly in ‘awe’ – that HE chooses US. We may embarrass ourselves, and blame it on Him, but the Holy Spirit never does that. The Holy Spirit will – sometimes use us, or set us up, in such a way that we have to make a choice….to ‘be strong, be bold, for the Lord your God is with you’….makes us winners! ALWAYS !!
    then we don’t become ‘whiners’.
    Good subject point!

  4. A similar scenario came across my path this week, when I was reconnected to a neighbor of 20 years ago, who by her admission had not opened a Bible given her since just recently, and here she shows up at a local Beth Moore Bible Study because she know she needs “something new in her life”. May we continue to have confidence in God’s timing and agenda. One of the joys of growing older is that we are priviledged to have these uplifting reminders to treasure and share with our younger faith sisters.

  5. Great post, Margaret. This is a rather belated response to it. But it reminded me of a situation in a restaurant. I always take a book with me if eating alone, and one day a waitress expessed interest in the book I was reading. It happened to be one that would easitly connect with a non-believer, so i gave it to her. She was shocked, of course, but accepted it. I’ve never seen her again, but perhaps a seed was planted. I should do that more often — thanks for the reminder.