As Linnea came to terms with the troublesome reality that there was no money for a traditional wedding (yesterday’s post), Nate and I began wondering how and when (or even if) God might inject hope into our sad situation. Weddings cost thousands, and we didn’t even have one thousand to give them.
When Nate asked what a nice-but-not-lavish wedding might cost, I guessed. “Maybe $10,000?”
His face fell, and he said, “Impossible.”
But God has a reputation for accomplishing the impossible… with flare… so we dared to hope for that amount. The day after our tear-filled phone call with Linnea, the three of us connected again. Linnea remembers it this way:
“You called me back and said, ‘We’re hoping to give you $10,000. We don’t have that money right now, and we don’t know where it’s coming from, but we’re believing God will bring it to us for your wedding. So make your budget based on that’.”
News of their engagement began to spread to friends and relatives, and almost immediately God began accomplishing the impossible through loved ones.
Linnea’s grandma, my mother, called and said, “I’m so happy for her! I want to contribute a little something to wedding expenses, and I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer!” She mailed us a check for $1000, and all of a sudden we had a wedding account.
The next week a friend from my prayer group said, “I love to do the flowers for weddings, and I’d be honored if you’d let me do Linnea’s flowers at cost.” I was amazed.
Shortly after that, we opened a note from my Aunt Joyce (left) who lived on the other side of the country, and out fell a check for $1500! An attached Post-it said, “…for your wedding…with love.”
Then my husband received a letter from his bachelor brother who wrote, “I would guess that a wedding can be expensive. I hope the enclosed will help.”
Inside was a check for several thousand dollars! We were astounded. God had done exactly what the song said. He’d made a way where there had been none. But it got even better.
Not only had the Lord sent enough money for a lovely wedding, he’d also provided enough extra to rent five tuxedos for Linnea’s father and four brothers (below), and to buy two bridesmaids gowns for her younger sisters (also below), three gowns for the other bridesmaids, and even a new dress for me.
Linnea and Adam’s wedding turned out to be wonder-full for many reasons, not the least of which was how it strengthened our faith in God. In a most delightful way, he cemented the lesson that if we abandon ourselves to his plans, even when there’s absolutely no way, he can easily make one.
“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” (Nahum 1:7)