After a visit from a missions team sent by their home church in Nashville (Brentwood Baptist Church), Nelson made up his mind about the chance to become an electrician. His answer had to be no—and he seems relieved after deciding to stick with Kokua Crew.
In this journal entry he makes reference to “this throat thing,” which is his first reference to a health problem. During that time, he had a persistent cough without having a cold or any other related reason. It won’t be too long, though, before he finds out why he’s coughing.
In this entry he also refers to having a lack of energy, something highly unusual for him. So he’s made an appointment with a doctor to see what’s wrong.
February 28, 2022
It’s 5:30 am Monday. Just finished a great time with the BBC crowd that Sharon led out here. They did as well as one of their teams can do. They threw a really nice baby shower for Annso yesterday, and all the Kokua Crew showed up.

I think the best way BBC could serve in that way is just to put the word out there in Kairos (church youth program) and have the kids sign up for terms with us like the regular Kokua Crew. They’d get the most and so would we that way.
Either way, churches and politics are involved to some extent in all these things, too. It doesn’t look like the career choice I was going to make with Tim the electrician will work out, unless I just throw this whole thing overboard and make a radical change, which doesn’t seem wise at this point.
We could maybe change housing locations (moving off the base), but to totally jump ship when it’s going so well doesn’t seem like the best move. God is merciful. Had a great service yesterday at church. We are officially going to 2 services a month plus or minus. It has seemed like the obvious choice for a long time. I’m surprised we haven’t done it sooner. Sometimes the only thing in my way is me.
I pray, Lord, for me to get out of the way and let you do your thing. Please give us the ability to let you lead and direct our steps. You have done it so well thus far. I pray not to try and take control back, not to try and be the one in charge and grab for security. I pray for the right move with the BBC (right) and YWAM outfits both. You have set us up in such a nice position, that I can hardly believe we have what we have. Thank you.
I pray for a safe, quick, and healthy birth for our little guy. I pray you can help me with this throat thing and the doc today, that I can be back to normal. Amen.
At 2:30 pm I got a text from Tim to come back to work for a couple days. I have decided to work for him sometimes, as he needs, so I can learn from him, but not take on the work full time. I don’t feel like I can do that and do best by my little family.
God, you gave me more than I could ask or imagine, and I want to do the best I can by them. Annso is so nice to me, releasing, and wants me to be happy. I want her to be happy and to feel secure.
Bob and I went to visit Steve Foth (security man) at his place this morning because I felt Jimmy’s Sunday sermon was a push in that direction. It was good to be there and to talk about stuff other than work, even though that did come up. He likes to stay up to date on the happenings at the campus.
Did the usual devotional routine, staff meeting, etc. even though I didn’t feel up on my game at all. Couldn’t muster the energy to dig in with the grounds team, so I did some work here at home, but not much. I trip on why people choose to be in YWAM. Steve said he would love to have had a career as a cop. Pieter said he would have been a builder if he had another life.
I shared that with Annso this morning, and she said that both of them have had the chance to do it, just not in the professional capacity they think would make them happy. It’s good to be content where you are and work hard to stay in that place.
“Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord, not for men.” (Colossians 3:23)