Loving commitment

Last night we enjoyed a simple supper of homemade turkey noodle soup and fresh bread at a table surrounded by both old and young engaging in animated conversation. Toward the end of the meal Klaus casually said, “Brooke and I went shopping for antiques today…. and we got engaged.”

He said it so matter-of-factly, we all froze, waiting for a punch line. But then we looked at the smiling Brooke, who slowly raised her left hand to reveal a sparkling diamond ring. Klaus wasn’t kidding!

Everyone broke into applause, jumping from their chairs and scrambling over each other to deliver congratulations and hugs. Grandchildren Nicholas, Evelyn, and Thomas were stunned at our crazy behavior, wondering how the focus so rapidly had shifted from dessert to a ring.

But we wanted the juicy details. Klaus had enlisted the help of several friends to pull off his surprise, “planting” them and his ring at an antique store ahead of time. Store employees were in on it too, willingly nestling the diamond ring among others inside a glass case. Brooke had been looking for a casual ring of turquoise, so the two of them were browsing through the jewelry. When Klaus nonchalantly pointed out the diamond ring and said, “How ‘bout that one?” Brooke was puzzled.

But when he dropped to one knee, her bewilderment changed to joy, and the clerks broke into tears. As planned, Klaus’ friends caught everything on film, a successful surprise with a lovely ending.

Or I should say “beginning.”

Anyone who’s experienced a proposal can vividly recall that moment. How a man handles this important event makes a mark on the relationship that will last throughout the marriage, not just in the woman’s mind, but in his, too.

By giving an engagement ring, a man is pledging to put that one woman above all others, which is the official beginning of an exclusive, lifelong bond marked by a special ring. He is promising her, and she is believing him. And since marriage was God’s idea, he’s involved in that moment, too, holding up a banner                                                                     that reads, “Loving commitment.”

When a man proposes, he’s lovingly committing to his fiancee’, which greatly pleases the Lord. But yesterday God wasn’t just standing by passively at the antique store. He was making a commitment, too, to be as involved in their relationship as they ask him to be.

He has said that earthly marriage is a visual for the relationship between Jesus and the Church worldwide, which is us. So, as Klaus honors God by staying faithful to the loving commitment he made yesterday to Brooke, and as Brooke responds to him with respect, their marriage will thrive and God will be blessed. Bumps in the road will be made smooth, and they’ll make it to their 50th wedding anniversary hand-in-hand.

As for the rest of us, we are thrilled to welcome vivacious Brooke into the Nyman family and are eagerly looking forward to celebrating with them at their spring wedding!

 “Let no one split apart what God has joined together.” (Mark 10:9)

16 thoughts on “Loving commitment

  1. Congratulations, that is so delightful. God is so great!!!!! and His leading and bringing together His servants is amazing. Blessings!!

  2. WOW what a great story! Of course what could be expected because Klaus had a great example to follow! I love the romance of the antique store and just the thoughtfulness. Way to go guy! Please tell Klaus we will lift him up as he moves into this new role and we look forward to watching them grow together as a loving Nyman couple!!! God’s blessings!

  3. WOW!! Congrats to everyone! I love the pictures. What a clever and unique proposal! Well done Klaus!!

  4. Congratulations to Klaus and Brooke, and to the many additions you will be receiving into your family in 2013. I too experienced the engagement of my oldest grandson Jordan last week-end. We all love Clair, and happily welcome her into our family.

  5. I am so excited for you, and them, that I can hardly stand it !!
    ~ Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow ~

  6. CONGRATULATIONS – KLAUS AND BROOKE – and to the whole Nyman family. What a celebration you will be having this time next week, Margaret when Linnea and family arrives!
    May your HOME be filled with laughter and JOY unspeakable throughout this Christmas season and ring in the New Year with New Expectations!!
    God Bless you all.