Kingdom People

While newborn Micah and his mommy Linnea worked hard at give and take (Linnea giving, Micah taking), Skylar and I had fun playing. Our major project was washing the Highlander, which still had salt on it from Chicago’s snowy streets. Here in Florida, everyone’s cars are clean.

Skylar began jumping up and down with glee when we pulled out the bucket, rags and soap. Better still was uncurling the hose and starting the water. You’d think we’d entered Disney World for the joy bubbling out of this little girl. As she washed the car, she squealed enthusiasm over the shiny lights, the silver letters, the pretty wheels and the bubbles everywhere.

Whoever said little kids have short attention spans hasn’t met Skylar. She focused on our work for over two hours at only 19 months old. Chattering the entire time, she hadn’t had enough even after washing the car, her red wagon, the basketballs, her own clothes and her beach chair. Jack did his level best to stay out of range, although she frequently swung the hose and slopped wet rags in his direction.

By the time the car was clean and dry, we were both dirty and wet, but Skylar wanted to start all over. “Bubbles? ‘Waller’? Car?”

Children are a delight. Skylar’s energy and enthusiasm for anything new is inspiring, and it makes me want to show her more and more, just to get her responses. Today she learned the color silver and was pointing out everything that qualified: earrings, hub caps, a piece of tin foil, a spoon. The world is opening up for her, and she’s learning at lightning speed. She believes everything we tell her and parrots it back to be sure she got it right. She loves to be with all of us, because she senses we truly love her.

I can see why Jesus related well to children and why they were drawn to him. They sensed his genuine interest in and acceptance of them, as they were. He loved them, and they knew it.

It’s impressive that Jesus shushed his friends when they tried to limit children’s access to him. Instead he welcomed them with open arms and gentle touches. He even told his followers, “How about being more like these little kids? You’d better, or you’ll never get into my kingdom.”

That sounds harsh, but I think Jesus was pointing out exactly what I saw in Skylar today. Honesty. Openness. Someone who trusts easily. Skylar believes fully and tries to follow instructions. She takes things at face value. She also expects the best of everyone, including herself as she tries and tries again to do things right. If she’d been in the crowd with Jesus that day, she would have been the first one on his lap. That’s precisely the kind of all-out commitment Jesus was (and is) looking for in his kingdom people.

“Jesus… was angry with his disciples. He said to them, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.’ Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.” (Mark 10:14-16)

9 thoughts on “Kingdom People

  1. Sky LOVES her Grandma Midgee! You do such a great job with her and I don’t know what I’d do without you here right now. Love you.

  2. Well said Margaret! I am so glad you are here and having so much fun with Skylar. All of us wish you could stay longer. What fun you and I would have her! I loved the photo of you laughing with Skylar. God will use your time with your grand children to bring deep joy and laughter as a healing balm into the depths of your grief.

  3. What a JOY to behold!!! thanks for sharing this; I, too, am so happy for you all..that you’re here…and..wish you could stay longer. Skylar is so fun to be with and watch….like you say’she is soaking up everything at lightening speed”. She makes me wish I could be more agile of body….but as a ‘GG’…I’ve been there, done that…so I just do what I can and am thankful for every second…and so enjoy watching Terry with them. I agree with what Terry said, too.

  4. There’s Grandma Margaret and what a fantastic shot doing what she does best!
    The car and wagon are so shiny, can Skylar be rented out?
    Don’t you wish you could remember what it was like to be on an accelerated learning curve and see and understand and be delighted in so many new things? Reading of Skylar today was such a joy. While I can’t remember being like that, I’m sure I was, too, just like all of us growing up. What it does make me think about is not so much that I can’t remember it, but that heaven will always be like that. Revelation describes it as a place where all things are brand new. I will never exhaust the wonder of what will be there, pointing out one day all the things that are silver, and then the next day there will be brand new things, perhaps in colors I have no idea of now. “Hey that flower wasn’t there yesterday.” “I know,” says God, “I’m always making new things.”
    “Thank You, Lord, for modeling in a child what You want of Your children, and for preparing a place for us that will constantly be a delight.”
    Enjoy that time with those precious kids!

  5. Beautiful and so true. What lovely photos of Sky. Oh how we’d love to see her right now as she’s developing so much!! Lots of love to you all down in Florida

  6. I love seeing the photos in your blogs – the one at the end with you and Sky was precious.