New Hair

???????????????????????????????Back in the 1960’s, I bought myself some fake hair. Junior year in college was an especially busy time, and the long “falls” that were popular then (think ponytails) moved hairdos away from high-maintenance curlers to insta-ready coiffures.

The “tails” could be worn long or curled around the top of the head for up-do’s. Many a morning I washed just my bangs, added the fake hair and went from wake-up alarm to classroom in 10 minutes flat.

???????????????????????????????As a newlywed I expanded my hair inventory with a pixie-style wig, a tight, cap-like affair that shortened my prep time even further.

Wigs can be a time-saving tool or, as in Mary’s case, a weapon against letting cancer dominate. Veterans of cancer are familiar with the radical ups and downs of treatment, its physical symptoms and its emotions. Mary has sampled some of that this week, feeling hopeless on Monday but hopeful on Tuesday.

Monday afternoon, in the middle of that deep low, she and Bervin walked into a wig shop near Mayo Clinic.  It’s a place that doesn’t  just sell wigs. The staff there provides gentle expertise and conversational comfort to each customer, well aware that none of them want to be there.

Though Mary had planned ahead of time to shop that afternoon, Monday wasn’t the right day for it. As she put it, “I couldn’t even look at the wigs without crying. The whole thing overwhelmed me, and we had to leave.”

Getting startedTuesday, however, was a different story. After the medical encouragement they’d received at the clinic, Mary wrote about “Wig Shopping, Part II.” “I praise the Lord I was able to put on a skullcap today and try on wigs. As I sat in the styling chair and listened to the Christian music playing, I was reminded of God’s presence being everywhere, even in a wig shop!”

We Christians don’t doubt God’s statement that he will always be with us. He said he’d never leave us, and we believe him. But after a down-day like Mary’s Monday, he knows we need a fresh reminder. And he brought it to Mary in the form of worship music just as she was muscling through a new and unwelcome experience. Our Creator has all kinds of ways to let us know he’s close at hand, and his timing is always spectacular.

Bervin's choiceMary and Bervin walked out of the wig shop with “new hair” for Mary, should she need it during her chemo. She said, “I let Bervin pick it out, and it’s pretty fluffy. I’ll definitely have ‘big hair’!”

The Lord said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)



Mary’s Prayer Requests

  1. For wisdom to know which Chicago hospital to use for chemo
  2. For improvement in food absorption that will lead to weight gain
  3. Praise for a good blood test result today, indicating no metastasis
  4. Praise for safe travel back and forth to Minnesota

4 thoughts on “New Hair

  1. A different time/ a different mood, but your blog brings to mind the time Mary and I were carried away with laughter as we tried on hats ( I think at Field’s downtown ). The sales staff were not amused! Hopefully , silly/ fun times are once again around the corner for Mary.

  2. What a testimony to God’s faithfulness in making his presence known just when we need it. When Ted was just starting his chemo, we felt apprehensive and a bit overwhelmed as we waited in the infusion room to get started with his first treatment. There were many patients and nurses there, along with happy chatter, sounds from individual TVs, and the hustle and bustle of all that was going on. Then we noticed a peaceful song being played in the background. It was a beautiful piano arrangement of “In This Very Room,” and it was Jesus’s special reminder that he was right there with us. What an encouragement! I continue to pray for wisdom, peace, and encouragement for Mary as she prepares for her treatments. So thankful for her good blood test results!

  3. Its so encouraging to know the Lord made His presence known to Mary in the midst of a very difficult time. May He guide Mary and Berv to right hospital for continued treatment and even more indicators of His Presence. Much Love to you and Mary and her family.

    In Him,


  4. I am still praying that Mary won’t have to go through Chemo, but if she does, God will GET HER – THROUGH – IT. I truly understand her anxiety about the wig thing, but – you know – that is just another tool, used to help her feel good about herself when she goes out or looks in the mirror.
    I’ve not had the trauma of her circumstance, (praise God), but have gone through ‘hair loss’ due to excess medication, stress, and illness…..started wearing wigs because they were handy accessories, made me look better (to myself), for many times, no one knew the difference, and I still wear them, for the same reason. Thank the Lord, for the good things He has made available to us through technology!