Mary’s Question

Last Saturday Mary and I shared an afternoon of meaningful conversation while sipping warm spiced tea on a blustery cold day. “Let’s sit in the sun,” she said, appreciating the extra warmth on the couch cushions.

Though Mary’s cancer and the threat it imposes is the #1 topic on everyone’s mind, it’s difficult to know how to best talk about it, or if we should bring it up at all. From her point of view, she doesn’t want to cause others to weep over the situation, and the rest of us don’t want to add to her burden by dwelling on it.

SistersBut on Saturday, the conversation of two sisters flowed in the usual way, and we found ourselves talking through some of the really tough stuff. Mary wondered what she ought to be doing during these days of feeling fine and having good energy. Though she’s made up her mind to live each day to the fullest, what does that look like, hour to hour, day to day?

As we chatted about her options, her conclusion was that she just wanted to do the “normal” things she’s always done: spend time with the Lord; care for her home, family, and friends; continue in her church ministries.

And that’s the thing about a life submitted to God. When time threatens to grow short, no additions, corrections, or changes need to be made. There’s no scrambling to get things right.  “Continuing as usual” is the high-road thing to do. Mary can simply keep doing what she’s been doing all along, and God will continue to bless her and also those she touches.

Oswald Chambers says, “A saint is never consciously a saint; a saint is consciously dependent on God.”

Mary doesn’t have to make big changes, because her M.O. has never been to get brownie points with the Lord by doing good deeds. She hasn’t been keeping score by consciously tallying up which “righteous acts” will please God most.

Instead she has spent decades studying the Bible to figure out what obedience looks like and then putting that into practice.  Whether she’s running a meeting from behind a podium or sitting on the ground comforting an ailing animal, it’s all the same to her. Obedience to God’s assignments releases his power into Mary’s life and also the lives of those around her.

The Holy Spirit living within a person becomes visible in the way that person spends her time. Mary has never worried about whether or not she’s being “used” by God but simply loves him with her whole heart, and day-to-day goes about loving others more than herself.

“Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)

Praising and Praying with Mary

Tonight Bervin is both my praise (he’s a rock!) and my prayer request (that he wouldn’t be consumed with my cancer to the exclusion of other activities). I thank God for him and love his heart through these many months. Pray for strength to match whatever is ahead.

9 thoughts on “Mary’s Question

  1. What a jolt of encouragement that you are grateful for him, and “love his heart” thru these many months….those of us not going through this need this reminder—gratitude is a choice, and seeing another’s “heart’ during wrenching times opens the eyes of our own hearts. Today I choose to be grateful. Today I choose to look at what he is sacrificing for my sake. Thank you, Lord. This is all a gift from you.

  2. How thankful I am that you have Bervin at your side. He is continually in our prayers along with you and your family.
    I am also thankful that you and Margaret are able to so readily share deep thoughts and pray together.
    How wonderful that you will share Thanksgiving with all the family.
    Prayers and blessings, Judi

  3. Such great wisdom! I especially resonate with “Mary has never worried about whether or not she’s being “used” by God but simply loves him with her whole heart, and day-to-day goes about loving others more than herself.” What a powerful reminder that it’s the way I use the “ordinary” moments and opportunities that the Lord provides that allows me to be used by Him. I so appreciate the way that both of you allow the Lord to work through your lives, and the blessing of the godly examples you provide.

  4. I just wanted you to know you are in our prayers here in the Pacific NW. I appreciate Mary’s specifics as to prayer needs. May you feel the comfort coming directly from the Throne!

  5. Mary’s walk with the Lord is a blessing, an example and an exhortation for all us. Thank you for your faithful life, Mary.

  6. What a beautiful relationship you share, and what a wonderful example you and Mary give – as women of God – moms, wives, and siblings, last but not least, friends & daughters of the most high God. Best advice one could give, live your life each day with gusto, doing what you love, with those you enjoy being with! God bless all of you, and prayers are for God’s will, your comfort!
    Loving you, each one for who you are!