Scripture promises that God will watch over his family and “keep them.” (That means us.) But how do these promises of tender care jive with the facts of cancer and other maladies, especially those that resist treatment and then threaten to kill?
I love the word “keep.” It implies being held closely, protectively. In relation to an adult keeping a child, it’s a picture of putting self between the defenseless one and danger.
From the perspective of the one who’s doing the keeping, it means taking on a serious responsibility and implies that the role was assumed willingly without any “have to’s.” From the view of the one being kept, it promises safety.
Many of the Bible’s word pictures show us this kind of “keeping.” God says he will:
keep us under his feathers.
- cradle us in his everlasting arms.
- engrave us on the palms of his hands.
Scripture also shows us what happens if we make a choice to “keep” ourselves rather than letting God do it.
In Matthew 23, Jesus has been teaching in Jerusalem’s temple and suddenly becomes overwhelmed with emotion. He looks out at the city and expresses deep, loving longing toward the Jews living there, speaking especially to those who don’t believe he is the Messiah.
Jesus senses their rebellious hearts and paints a word picture of a mother hen gathering her chicks beneath her to warm them and shelter them from harm. In other words, to keep them. It seems to break his heart when he says, “…but you were not willing.”
The Lord never forces himself on us but waits for an invitation. But he won’t water down his message to make it seem more appealing. He tells the whole truth and challenges people to believe he is who he says he is. If they refuse? Then, he says, “Your house is left to you desolate.” (Matthew 23:37-38)
I’ve been thinking of all this in relation to Mary. Despite her cancer, I believe God is “keeping her.” But how? Jude 1:24 says he’s “keeping her from stumbling,” which I take to mean stumbling spiritually. And it’s that faith in Christ that will carry (keep) her through even the most difficult cancer-days.
Another way God promises to keep her is on those days when she finds herself in great need. He says he’ll “keep the needy safe.” (Psalm 12:7) He also says he’ll “keep her mind and her heart” through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)
For Mary (and really, the rest of us, too), when our time in this world finishes, the Lord promises to keep us from all harm as we “go” from Earth and “come” to Heaven, even if it’s by way of cancer.
“The Lord will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121:7-8)
Praising and Praying with Mary
Please continue to pray for peace of mind during the night. Pray also that I’ll get better and better at taking just one day at a time.
We continue to pray for Mary and Berv.
Dear Mary and Margaret,
Please know I join with your countless friends in upholding you and your families to our Lord in prayer.
Ps 18:30 As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him..
Not to worry, Your doing a great job of “keeping on my friend”.
How blessed you are with such wisdom to know you are not alone.
With love, Vicki
If I know Mary, she is a living example of being “kept” by the Lord through such challenging circumstances. I continue to pray for her and her family. Keep on, Mary! You have a lot of people who love you and who are praying for you.
I continue to pray for all of you. My husband died of pancreatic cancer and I know God was keeping him because he was so at peace. I still am amazed at how he handled everything. He always used to tell me that we will all carry on which we are, but miss him so much. May all of you find peace.
Thank you, precious Margaret, for your book of “Hope for
MY Aching Heart.” God is using your experience with Nate to
help my during the most difficult days of my life. I hope you
write a Book #2! My husband, Harland, was a dentist here in
Tacoma,Wa. for 55 years. I have worked as a Church Music
Director in different States and Churches. When I came to
Central Baptist, Tacoma, God led me to a wonderful S.S. Teacher who taught a course on Revival. It was love at 1st
sight, and we both got married for the 1st time later in life.
(I was in my early 30’s) God gave us 39 wonderful years of
serving God together. We had no children, but have spiritual children. We both worked full-time until Harland came down
with Pulmonary Fibrosis, and the specialist gave him 4 to 5
years. We were shocked, and gave it over to the Lord..going
Step By Step, knowing that each day was Precious. I resigned my full-time job, and accepted a piano/organ job at
a church where I just have to be there Sunday mornings. That meant that Harland and I could be together. February
7th will be the 2nd Anniversary of Harland’s Homegoing. God’s Word is so precious to me, and I ordered your book
from Discovery House. Tonight I was so lonesome, read 3
chapters AGAIN from your book, and God has given me Peace and Comfort, before going to bed. I have started a
group for Widows calling it “Widow’s Might” , from Zechariah
4:6. There are 11 Widows, and I feel led to meet with each
friend on an individual basis in 2015. They can also bring a
good friend, if they want. Please pray with me that God will
give me His Guidance and Wisdom as I prepare for this new
ministry….quite different from Music! Now that I am a widow,
I love your book, because emotions that I felt, I didn’t think
anyone else felt them, as I tend to be a private person. Then
God led me to your book, and I found that my aching heart
and EMOTIONS were the same as yours!
Thank you for allowing me to tell my story, which I didn’t
intend to do, but God led otherwise. Margaret, I am praying
for you and your family that God will meet your every need,
and I know that finding your webmail tonight was truly an
answer to my prayer. God Bless You!
Mrs. Roberta Yaxley Peterson
1402 N. Baltimore Street
Tacoma, Wa. 98406
PH: 1-253-752-2798