Last time I shared the blessing of a mentor whose steady help came to me mostly through letters written the old-fashioned way, with pen and paper. As a result, I have a treasure-trove of mentor-wisdom from which I continue to draw.
What follows here is the answer to the question, how does a good mentor mentor? The statements below are pulled from much longer letters, but they serve as a sampling of tried and true wisdom funneled from God through my Aunt Joyce to the rest of us. Here’s some of what she wrote:
The Lord sandwiches blessings and joys between times of changing us, which get us ready to live with him for eternity. He wants every individual to become like him and is helping us with that.
- The fruit of the Spirit is… peace. I thank God when I feel peace [during tough times], because then I know it can’t be from any source other than his Spirit.
- Although God has put you in difficult circumstances, I’m praying your praise of him and thanksgiving to him will be renewed, even now, where you are.
- God doesn’t promise to remove our grief or burdens, but he does promise to sustain us through them, even through the bewildering unknown.
- God is especially watchful over old people and children, while he is teaching and growing the in-betweens.
- I think financial burdens can be the utmost of tests. You could lose the home you’ve lovingly cared for and the beautiful gardens you’ve planted, and many other things difficult to surrender. You can weep, but be sure you do it after crawling under his soft, protective wings.
- I know you’re spending significant time with the One who has all the answers to our questions and the power to execute them in his perfect way. He has all we need, but so often we don’t even ask.
- You may remember that I have been through and experienced the value of lessons learned from God’s loving hands, but I didn’t always recognize it as his love at the time.
- I’m learning the difference between knowing the Word and knowing the Author of it. Feel free to knock on his door!
- When we do the praying, God will do the rest. Don’t ever doubt that.
- We are helpless to change anyone else. Only God can. Our part is to love them and pray for them. Simultaneously we should be asking God what he’s trying to teach us in that process. And then we should listen.
- When we’re learning lessons in life, it’s never easy and often seems endless, but it helps to remember the Lord is on our side, listening to even our weakest cry.
- Prayer doesn’t necessarily change our struggles, and it certainly doesn’t change God, but it does change us, when we pray.
- Thank you, Margee, for letting me share my heart and for the privilege of having a part in yours.
“The Teacher was considered wise, and [she] taught the people everything [she] knew. [She] sought to find just the right words to express truths clearly.” (Ecclesiastes 12:9-10)
Thank you for sharing these precious words of wisdom. Deep truths to hold on to!