Young Love (#11)

As I contemplated moving into an apartment and being on my own for the first time, Nate kept his nose to the grindstone, focused on getting good grades in law school and, as always, being responsible. I, on the other hand, was living in the now, bent on having fun with friends.

Still uncertain about any future with Nate, I continued to go out with other boys every chance I got. My journal at the end of January includes a list of future marriage possibilities based on the guys I’d dated in the previous weeks. There were 8 names on the list.

kindergarten-girlsJan. 13, 1969 – Dear W.N.N. [Willard Nathan Nyman]. I’m sitting in the midst of all my kindergarteners, letting them have an extra long play time so I can write to you. I’m really tired today after an overloaded week without time to turn around, much less clip my toenails or anything useful.

(My kindergarteners, left and below)


kindergarten-boysI’ve been going out every night as if I’m still on Christmas vacation but then have to rise at 6:00 each morning. But I have decided to move in with those 3 girls. And it’s happening tonight! I hope some of their sophistication and culture will rub off on me.


Jan. 15, 1969 – Dear Nate. I’m sitting at the dining room table in our apartment, and 2 of my 3 roommates are exercising to a cha-cha record. (We all just had hot fudge sundaes.) It’s so fun living here! I’ve been praying a lot about us, not that you and I will end up married, but that we’ll discover and follow the directions of our Lord. I hope you’re still open-minded about other girls, as I am about other boys. Although I’m really enjoying all the dating I’m doing, I still feel the same good way about you, Nate.    Margaret/Meg

Jan. 17, 1969 – Dear Meg. Want to hear a commercial? Here it goes: wear your safety belt. If accidents happened only to those at fault, you’d be safe for an eternity. But careless people can hurt the careful, and Meg wasn’t meant to be injured. Please…..   Love, Nate.


Jan. 20, 1969 – Dear Nate. My parents are going to Nixon’s prayer breakfast on Thursday in Washington. I’m glad they decided to go. I wish I could go, too. Are you still praying about our relationship? Please don’t give up. I’m going through greater turmoil than usual about you.

love-nateJan. 23, 1969 – Dear Meg. Your roomies are great. How lucky you are to have Christian girls for roommates. And they’re pretty lucky too! I envy them very much. I got a call just now from a boy here who flunked out of school to run a restaurant. He was crying! His folks came down from Chicago today, and they argued. I am going to see him later. It’s a tragedy when a student making good grades quits.

Aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.” (2 Corinthians 8:21)

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