Young Love (#62)

Although the distance between Nate and I was taking its toll, graduation and the end of his Army stint were finally coming into view. We could also see God’s gifts of encouragement and blessing in each day, things like my mother’s letter to Nate and all 4 parents having embraced our plans to marry in November.

I still didn’t have a teaching position in Champaign, but that didn’t stop us from planning to move me down there regardless, even if I had to go back to waitressing. We were done with being apart.

rose-colored-glassesNate began to wax eloquent in his letters as he described me, writing down his every positive thought. Of course he was looking through the rose colored glasses of a passionate love, which made some of his statements enormously exaggerated. But I’ll share them here anyway:


July 14, 1969 – Dearest Meg. I want to tell you something I’ve known for quite a while but am first writing here. Due to my mother’s and grandmothers’ decency, probity, grace and faith, I have always had a high idea of women in general. My standards for dates have inevitably been high – both in terms of morals and manners. Meg, you have surpassed any of my best dreams!

banana-splitJuly 14, 1969 – Dear Nate. You just called me! I am so exhilarated that I feel like running out and buying a banana split! You couldn’t possibly have called at any better moment. Tonight I needed a conversation with you more than ever. I feel like enclosing a check, not necessarily to pay for the phone call, but just because you are terrific, and I want to express it by giving you some money! I love, love, LOVE you, and I’m yours completely, now and forever.

July 14, 1969 – Dearest Meg. You have surpassed my dating standards for these reasons: you are religious without being religiose, arrogant or preachy; you demonstrate your faith; you are generous with your time and physical affection; you understand my needs, wants, and aspirations; you comfort me and build me up; you’ve never have a snippy period without an apology, obviously genuine; you are a beautiful woman… with only a few faults, all outweighed by virtues; you are physically attractive yet not vain; you always compliment my looks and clothes, which makes me receptive to your suggestions on grooming; and your creativity astounds me. Oh, I love you!

sparkling-ringJuly 14, 1969 – Dear DEAR Nate! A short while ago, as I was driving home with my hand on the steering wheel, the sun caught my ring, and all the colors of the rainbow flashed up at me. It’s so beautiful, and I love it so much! Thank you for giving it to me!

July 15, 1969 – Dearest Meg. Today I’m thinking about your regard for your folks and their feelings as you go home to help them prepare for their move. I love your elemental Christian concern for them. I also admire your respect for your aunts and my folks and your solicitous inquiries about my brother. You are a considerate woman. These are just a few lines from your weekend warrior, fiancé, true love, future husband and father of your four babies – an extra letter to let you know I realize and appreciate your virtues and believe in you, feel totally secure in you, and miss you so bad I could cry like a little boy.

“The fruit of the Spirit is… patience.” (Galatians 5:22)

One thought on “Young Love (#62)

  1. I love your words of the love between you and Nate, Margaret, and also the pictures you choose!