Nelson’s journal 2/7/2

God is teaching Nelson flexibility in regard to making plans for the future. In this journal entry he’s bringing the past into the present, acknowledging that the Lord has led him through past years and would most likely lead him into the future. In a sense he’s reassuring himself that whatever he decides about the electrician’s job proposal (which he refers to as being “boxed in”), God will let him know what the best decision will be.


February 7, 2022

I’m thinking about a new MacBook. Annso has been saying to do it for some time now. I’ve had this one for 10 years. It’s been that long since I was in the Titus project out in Montana, 2012.

I keep coming back to Hawaii and here we are now, all this time later. Ecclesiastes says, “When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.” (Ecclesiastes 7:14)

We are in less control than we think. We move here and there, but really, God moves us or allows us to be moved around to suit the way he ordained for us. We can’t know the future, which is better for us anyway.

Lord, since you know already where we’ll go and what we’ll end up doing, I pray for the ability to wait on you instead of getting ahead or lagging behind. We want your best, Lord. As much fear as I can have about getting stuck or boxed in by new rules, I know you know…. and I’m grateful for that. 


“In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” (Psalm 5:3)

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