Nelson’s journal 2/23/22

As Nelson journals, he often gains new insights by working things out through the keyboard on his laptop. Today he’s pondering the difference between physical blindness and spiritual blindness. And in thinking about seeing, he’s also learning something special about hearing.


February 23, 2022

We had a leader named Christiphe speak at the KC (Kokua Crew)meeting last night. Pretty charismatic guy, catered to the youth, said he was a pastor for 7 years. Stayed within the time frame, which is rare. Most go way over what I tell them. We’re halfway through the week with Sharon and their gang (from their home church in Tennessee). It’s super busy, starts early and finishes late.

Been reading John and now in chapter 9 about the man receiving sight. Site to the blind. Jesus did that a fair amount. One of the ailments of humanity, blindness. It’s a fear people have, it’s a pretty severe handicap if you have it.

Papa (Nelson’s dad) was always worried about eyes and taking care of them. The guy in John 9 was born blind. Sometimes it doesn’t tell how it happened. Of course the story is about spiritual blindness and the kangaroo trial the Pharisees had, to try and find out who healed the man and how it happened.

They hated Jesus. He was giving the people sight, causing them to see and giving them power be making them healthy. Some leaders wanted the people sick and run down so it was easier to oppress them. Why? Just the power it gave them. What an evil thing.

They suffered from blindness too, blinded by intoxication with power. Is blindness a sin? Seems more like a symptom, amounting to a lack of vision. It’s obvious that a blind person doesn’t have vision. John 9:38:

Then the man said, ‘Lord, I believe,’ and he worshiped him. Jesus said, ‘For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.’ Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, ‘What? Are we blind too?’ Jesus said, ‘If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains’.”

Seems vision is something we are accountable for. If we don’t see and do the wrong thing, it’s not wrong, but if we do, or even claim to see and do wrong, we are guilty.

Lord, I pray for vision. So many things can affect our vision. What am I guided by? What am I getting security from?

The love of money is one thing that can blind people and cause them to make wrong choices. Bob told me he heard the pastor at Living Stones say that life is like Monopoly. At the end of the game, all the money is put back in the box and the box goes back on the shelf. Why would we be greedy with what we’ve been given then? Spiritual blindness maybe?

Lord, take spiritual blindness away from us. Amen.

Took the guys in small group to the prayer room after the flags tonight to hear God’s voice together. The usual stuff, but I’m shocked how much God wants to speak to us if we give him the time. We would all be so much better off if we just spent that time with God.

Just making the time is 99% of the battle. But the “desire for other things” usually wins out. It’s been better for me though, lately. I’m thankful for the life we have, for Annso mainly, for the BBC team we are hosting this week, for Sharon and the connection we have with each other, for good connections with people here, so that we have each other.


”The listening ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both.” (Proverbs 20:12)

2 thoughts on “Nelson’s journal 2/23/22

  1. It is very refreshing to see Nelson’s straight-forwardness, and his humility.

  2. Nelson expressed himself so beautifully, just like you still do, today, Margaret.