Nelson’s journal 6/9/22

Physical pain is something all of us hate. When it comes, we try to get rid of it asap. At other times we can bear it, though it dominates body and spirit relentlessly. Nelson is in that place, enduring suffering while understanding that it comes with the territory—the cancer territory.

(A footnote: At the time, I don’t remember him complaining or highlighting his pain in any way. Most of the time we didn’t know he was suffering at all. He smiled broadly for every picture.)

One happy development is that baby Will has become more content, smiling often and winning the hearts of the medical staff.


June 9, 2022 

Mayo Clinic.

Been dealing with draining lungs and doctors teaching these nurses to do it on me, which has been painful to say the least. I can barely stand it, but I’m trying to distract myself from the pain of the thing itself.

Physical pain goes so hand-in-hand with cancer, that it’s almost like you get desensitized to it.

 Annso said she will drain my lung from here on out, so that’s good. I’m glad there are solutions at least…even if it’s painful to get them to work right.


“Call upon Me in the day of trouble.” (Psalm 50:15)

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