In this entry Nelson reviews a long list of things for which he’s thankful.
September 23, 2022 (Continued…)
Thank you, Lord, for the generosity of all the people who gave on the GoFundMe campaign to make my recovery possible. I pray we don’t get into any trouble with house taxes and can get out of it clean and not owe too much, once all this is said and done.
It’s like we are big kids now with a child and a house and you are the one who has done it, Lord. Thank you that we are getting a new roof for the place, right along with it. What a blessing and a huge expense we don’t have to pay.
Thank you for the tenants and for the hot location right by the clinic. Thank you that we have the baby boy and for how healthy he has been from the start. What a miracle he is, and what a miracle-working God you are.
I told Rob how grateful I am for BBC [Tennessee church] and all the years we have been working under them, and he said, “That’s true, but you have been faithful and a good steward, and you deserve it.”
I hope you see me like that, Lord, as a good steward. You sure have given me a lot wherever we have landed. Even back in Hawaii, we had Hale Ola and the Kona church and the charge of running and stewarding both properties. What a cool thing, and I’m thankful for that too, Lord.
I pray we can keep doing what honors and makes you happy, whatever that is. I pray for the ability mentally to always pass along whatever wealth you pass to us, and to be conscious of where it came from and that we didn’t bring anything to the table to begin with. Thank you for all the faithful prayer warriors like Bill, Mom, Astrid, Linni, and so many others who have been there along the way for us and who have been “nagging” you to make things happen.
Thank you that Mom can come up and be here while the Germans are back in Germany. What a blessing, both that you brought Mom up but that we have the money to send Annso, Astrid, and Will to the Motherland.
I hope and pray Annso can enjoy herself and not worry too much about me back here. Hopefully she’ll get to pay her granny the last respects and introduce Will to them.
It’s hard to believe how much abuse a body can take and then recover from. I have been stuck hundreds of times with needles to draw blood, loads of IVs stuck in my arms, so many so that the arm they used to hit a vein every time, now needs half a dozen tries to make anything work.
I had catheters in my lungs and urinary track, holes in my shoulders and even one right near my heart to draw fluids. My legs, abdomen, lower back, and arm were puffed up to twice their usual size. I have been taking pills for everything imaginable. I’m addicted to opiates, and I’d think I could never come back to my normal self, but today I feel pretty good.
Annso and I went to the doc with Will and then to Target and came back and ate with Ralph and Astrid. I love living life with Annso and can’t imagine life without her with me. Thank you for her, Lord, for the gift she is and how kind she is to me.
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” (Proverbs 18:22)