Nelson’s Journal, 10/12/22, Part 3

Nelson is feeling grateful on this day, happy with the way things stand and the blessings God has put into his life.


October 12, 2022

I wonder what I should do with guys like the maintenance guy here at the apartments. He’s close to me here and has massive needs, but I don’t know what to do for him.

I pray you would show me what to tell him or do for him, Lord. We gave him $50 one time, but now he’s coming to me regular, angling for another payout I think. That’s never been the goal, but I want to help him spiritually in some way. Maybe you can give me some sort of clue what to do for him, Lord. Amen.

Thank you for lining up our new house, for the miracle it is for a YWAM guy like me to get a bank to partner with us and lend us all that money. Only you can make something like that happen. If we can just wait for you to act, Lord, the most amazing, unpredictable things happen all the time.

I have the best wife in the whole world, a beautiful little son born of my own body and hers. And with the house, we prayed that if we couldn’t get it on our own, without a co-signer, it wouldn’t happen—and that’s exactly what happened.

How great are you Lord. I look at this as shadows compared to what you will do once we get to spend eternity with you, doing whatever it is that we do there. I’m sure it will blow away our wildest dreams. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard…” and that’s the coolest thing ever.

If this life and what you do here is but a dim shadow, then how great is the next phase going to be? Let us be all we can be for you here and now, Lord, not being consumed with the things of the world, the love of money, lack of contentment, or other things.

Let us be content with what we have and spend time loving you and others instead of amassing possessions for ourselves. Give me and my family eternal mindsets instead of earthly focus. Let us be concerned with the fates of the souls of others.

Let us follow your leading instead of our own desires. Let us trust you and what you have for us so that we will get the whole thing thrown in anyway, if we just do that much. We love you, Lord, and we trust you.

Thank you for calling us your children. Please keep Will and Annso safe out there traveling in Germany, seeing all the people. I pray for supernatural energy for Annso as she takes care of our little baby and tries to see all those people.

Thank you that I was able to stay here [in MN] and can have a more relaxed schedule. I don’t think I would have done super well with all that, the way I feel these days. Amen.

The money I deposited in the BA account actually went through. I could hardly believe writing a check would work. I thought it would have to be a transfer with a great deal of drama attached to it for it to work. Apparently not. Just put it in at the ATM and 2 days later, it was available.

Now we’re all set for the closing October 26 for our house. How can this be that God will have this for us? So fun and exciting to see him working in our favor in so many ways, this being a small one.


“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

2 thoughts on “Nelson’s Journal, 10/12/22, Part 3

  1. Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts from Nelson. Many of us have had similar thoughts, too!
    I’m wondering if you can tell us what Annso is doing and how she is. Of course, I respect her privacy, but would love to know how this lovely family is doing.
    How are you, Margaret? You have had quite a life and still keep your sweet kind spirit.
    Someday I would love to see this blog become a book (in blog form as is). I sometimes want to share your life with others.