Nelson’s Journal, 12/1/22

Nelson is coming close to the end of his earthly life—and also the end of his suffering. At this point, though, he and Ann Sophie were still hoping for God’s last-minute healing. Though his pain was escalating, Nelson’s faith never faltered.


December 1,2022

Small group’s canceled for tonight. I’m at home while Annso shops with her folks in the meantime.

I’m not feeling good at all. It’s not the nausea, but severe leg and hip pain that’s been traveling around a bit. It’s been really hard for me lately with this pain. I don’t know why, but it’s there.

Lord, help me pleeeeease. Why does this linger on with one thing after another without end? I take pills and do everything I can, without relief. The docs even gave me a couple days off the chemo drugs, which I thought would be a huge relief, but now I have this [new pain].

Lord, please help me with this. Please. There’s not a whole lot like physical pain to bring you to your knees. I am having such trouble and trying to pray and think of what to do to get help, Lord, but nothing is helping so far.

I just crumbled and took a couple 15 mg morphine, but lately, even those haven’t been working too well. Just mild, faint relief, but at this point, I’ll take it.

God, I beg you for whatever is lacking. You are the author and perfecter of faith, and when we are at our wit’s end, we come to you. I don’t even know what to pray for.

I don’t even know what to pray for.


“We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” (Romans 8:26)

One thought on “Nelson’s Journal, 12/1/22

  1. Knowing about Nelson’s death last Dec— these posts have been interesting and faith-filled. As he nears the end— which he doesn’t yet know— I do keep looking for the PEACE we know God promises. Perhaps his surrender will happen soon— before his posts stop because of pain or weakness. I learned of you from sudden passing of my husband 2 years ago— love your books – and feel a peripheral part of your family! Will be eager to hear about your life NOW- and that of Will and Ann Sophie- and her parents. Where they are- how they are doing. Thank you for sharing your life with me/us.