Gratifying Greetings

We all draw circles around certain numbers on our calendars. Today, June 11, has been marked on mine for weeks, because on that day I knew I’d be greeting our Florida family at Chicago’s Midway Airport. June 11 would mark the beginning of an 18 day visit during which we could refresh relationships and share a bunch of fun!

It’s only been nine weeks since I spent time with toddler Skylar and new baby Micah, but that’s a big deal when your life is just getting started. Arriving at the airport early, I found a shaded spot on 55th Street to await their call telling me they’d landed, connected with their bags, changed the necessary diapers and made it out to the second curb. After all that had been accomplished, we’d be wrapping our arms around each other at long last.

There’s no greater thrill than embracing loved ones you’ve been missing for a long time. Although Micah didn’t remember me, it was only a short while before Skylar leaned over with a hug and said, “Oh Midgee, you’re my good friend.” Her 22 month old high-pitched voice is sweeter music than the best symphony.

Little Micah isn’t so little anymore, having doubled in size since I saw him last. It’ll take my biceps a few days to catch up to his progress!

And what a blessing to have Linnea and Adam’s company again, along with good conversation and shared laughter. Closing the 1200 mile gap between us felt good.

Experiencing how satisfying it is to be reunited with people we love, I’ve often fantasized about what it’ll be like when we arrive in heaven. What will those greetings be like? One day God promises to get rid of our current earth and heaven to replace them with brand new ones. Logic tells us these new creations just might be linked with each other or possibly even be one in the same, heaven-on-earth.

Since God was quite happy with the first earth he created, maybe the new earth will be much like the original one, minus sin, anger, disease, tears, violence, thorns and all the other negatives in today’s world. Everything will be perfect, the way it was in Eden. And when we arrive, the Lord Jesus and the loved ones who’ve beat us there will see us coming. With enthusiasm and joy, they’ll run to meet us, greeting us with warm embraces and words of love.

Today at the airport it was gratifying to greet “my people” (as Skylar says) and know we’ll have some extended time together before having to part again. In heaven, however, I sense the greetings will be even more satisfying, and best of all, there will be no parting there.

“Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create.” (Isaiah 65:17-18a)

4 thoughts on “Gratifying Greetings

  1. Enjoy these 18 wonderful days, getting to know new things about each other, having fun together, and growing to know our Lord even better! I am rejoicing with you!

  2. See you in just a couple of days, can’t wait to see you it’s been a year already.

  3. Skylar is such a hoot…there is no telling what’s gonna come out of her mouth!! I love it…such a fun adorable age…sometimes a real challenge to keep a straight face and the mouth shut! Glad they arrived safely and I KNOW good times by all will be order of the day!
    God bless and enjoy!!