Was it best?

Tonight is New Year’s Eve, and in a few minutes 2010 will tick its way into 2011. Horns will blow, cheers will ring out and kisses will be planted. In our temporarily-busy home, the little people are asleep, the older ones are out having fun, and I’ll be in a quiet place enjoying a one-on-one with the Lord. 

Recently Nelson and I chatted about favorite places, specifically comparing life in Michigan vs. Illinois. Both of us were born and raised in the Chicago metropolitan area, familiar with the suburbs and all they offer. Living now in a small town fairly far from everything has been a radical change. Nate and I moved to our summer cottage three months before learning of his fatal cancer, and six weeks after that, he was gone. We were barely unpacked.

The question everyone asked then was, “Will you be moving back to Illinois?” Actually it was more like a statement: “Surely you’ll be moving back.”

I answered in the negative, determined to pursue the plan Nate and I had designed from the start. But was it the best choice?

Since we moved, I sorely miss lifelong friendships, deep relationships begun in the 1970’s as we started raising families together. All of these women are 110 miles from me now, my sister included. I also miss women-friends who have a passion for prayer. Four women and I spent thousands of hours praying together over two decades, growing close through our shared love of spending time in God’s throne room.

And then there’s the church, actually two churches, the one I grew up in and the one we attended for the last 20 years. I miss the pastors and their preaching, the Sunday morning music and many fine friends.

I miss my neighbors and the deep camaraderie we developed as mothers raising our children who became fast friends. Between all of us and the windows in our homes, we could let the kids roam the neighborhood even as toddlers, and still keep an eye on them.

There are other losses, too: familiar roads, stores, merchants, doctors, routines in all categories. With such a long list of “I-misses”, why would I want to stay in Michigan?

Two reasons: quietness and isolation.

Spending time alone isn’t always negative for a new widow or anyone attempting to sort through a host of changes. Actually, it’s necessary.

God often waits for us to isolate ourselves from life’s bustle before he speaks. He has ideas, plans and comfort ready for us but won’t be just one of many waiting in line for our attention. At the Michigan cottage I’ve been able to hear him clearly and depend on him completely. Would that have happened had I moved back to Chicago?

I’ll never know for sure, but it would have definitely been easier to hide from the work of grief while meeting the commitments of a full calendar. God put me in Michigan exactly when he intended I be here.

And when we know where God wants us, it’s a good idea to stay there…. especially on New Year’s Eve.

“I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” (2 Timothy 1:12)

15 thoughts on “Was it best?

    I truly understand where you are coming from; you have entered into a new season of your life and seasons come and go (as you know) and it could be your time living at the cottage will be for a season….and I believe it will be a time of much growth as a woman of God, as you truly are. It will be SWEET! May He guard your heart; grace you in wisdom and knowledge of Him; and prosper you in devine health and all facets of your life. He will take you places you’ve never dreamed of .
    God bless – get some rest, and I look forward to your adventures shared.

  2. Happy New Year, Margaret. I enjoy Skyping family and friends, when I cannot be with them, like now. Hugs from a coughing / congested friend.

  3. Also, if and when He is ready for you to return to Chicago or move elsewhere, He will most assuredly let YOU know – first. I personally believe He has separated you to show you more of Himself and who He is – in YOU. I spent my time in Tennessee – moved around alot, but it was all good…and when He was ready for me to come back to Ocala, I did NOT want to come, but knew that HE – told me to…after much prayer – and it was confirmed within a couple days from 4 different very unewxpected sources. the story gets deeper and I won’t go on – now….but it has been quite the experience – and still is. It’s really all about HIM..not us.

  4. Isn’t it comforting to know that God plans our lives and puts us just where we need to be.Sometimes God’s ways seem all wrong to me,but I DO know that He know what is best for me.With that thought I face 2011, with the resolve to live my life as God has designed it.Who knows what more He has in store for me?

  5. Thank you, Margaret, for the encouragement of that verse in 2 Timothy at the end of your post. Change and loss comes in many forms and I sense that on 1/1/11- I appreciate the counsel flowing from your experience to allow isolation and quiet to help sort through change and hear God’s voice. Staying where God wants us is the trick- the “wisdom” of the world can cloud and confuse and only God’s Word can straight arrow it to the division of joint and marrow.
    “In quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

  6. Praise to the Lord that He speaks in such a way we can hear and follow Him! He has wonderful purposes.
    Psalm 25:4-5: Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.

  7. Happy New Year Margaret! Please know what a blessing your post is to me every day. I often feel I need to isolate myself for real one on one relationship with God. My life is so busy that sometimes I feel like I am drowning. Thanks so much for the reminder!

  8. Almost every time I walk through the streets of Shorewood, I thank God you live in such a beautiful place. I agree – it’s easier to hear God and focus on what really matters when you have time alone and time outside.

    Happy New Years! We love and miss you.

  9. Jim and I had some big changes in 2009 as he lost his job of 15 years at a large church. He ended up at a small church 2 miles from our house, part-time. It would appear to be a demotion, but the word that always comes to mind is, ‘Oasis’. Even though it seems to be a place that could benefit greatly from us – we actually are the benenficiaries of God’s grace given through a group of sweet, loving people. Enjoy your oasis.

  10. Happy New Year, Margaret. As I opened my eyes at noon Detroit time today, I was hoping that my feet would land on the carpet in the beautiful condo in Maui by the ocean just one more time. My feet, however, hit the carpet in our beautiful home in Novi instead and instantly felt a tug in my heart for the sound of the ocean washing up on the beach. There is something about being by a body of water that connects my heart to God. I love the sound of the waves hitting the shore, I love to watch the waves move the sand around, I love to walk in the sand and remind myself that God knows exactly how many pieces of sand are beneath my feet at any given moment and I love the calmness of standing with my feet in the water that has the power to sweep me away and yet the ability to sooth my aching heart at the same time. Basically I connect better with the God when I am sitting at the shore and watching his creation in all it’s glory right before my eyes. As I read your blog I thought of you in your beautiful cottage where many memories have been made that have shaped you over the years and the opportunity you have here in the beautiful state of Michigan to walk out to the shoreline and gaze at God’s creation whenever you want to. Perhaps like me you hear God best by the water. I shared with David that I would consider moving to Maui one day just because of the beauty of the water. You never know one day my “cottage” may be on a Hawaiian island and people may be asking me the same question you have been getting about why are you living so far from family and friends. I’m not there yet in my journey – but I hope like you, I will hear God’s clear voice that I am right where He needs me to be.

    I just thought I would share my devotional with you as you start a new year with the Lord at the cottage because it spoke to me as I longed to be back by the water in Maui just one more day – from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young – Jan. 1

    “Come to ME with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed. A close walk with ME is a life of continual newness. Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year. Instead, seek MY Face with an open mind, knowing that your journey with ME involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind. As you focus your thoughts on ME, be aware that I am fully attentive to you. I see you with a steady eye, because MY attention span is infinite. I know and understand you completely; MY thoughts embrace you in everlasting Love. I also know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Give yourself fully to this adventure of increasing attentiveness to My Presence.” Rom. 12:2, Jer. 29:11

    I am actually considering running out to buy a CD filled with sounds of the ocean just so when my feet hit the carpet tomorrow, my heart will be where I connect with God best. Happy New Year my friend.

    Aloha – Judy

  11. Four funerals in less than four weeks, with the ages of those being laid to rest ranging from 20 to 89. Tuesday’s funeral will be for a mother my age who had only two weeks before her ovarian cancer went from diagnosis to cause of death. A sober start to 2011 but a good reminder that our times are in His hands and every day is a gift.

    I will share your blog with them and I thank you again for continuing in this labor of love. God’s richest blessings in 2011 for you and your wonderful family!

  12. Florida is once again warm and sunny. The grandchildren helped Tom pick all remaining Murcot tangelos and in buckets and one big loaded wheel barrow they were placed at the end of our lane with a sign telling passersby that they could take as gifts from Tom and Annie.
    Well – over 60 did stop within a few hours – each taking 2 or 4 or 8 and some even taking one of the plastic bags and placing about 12 in it – and one fire truck stopped and asked if he could buy some – but Tom told him they were a gift. Four cars at once – bikers – walkers – it was such fun for me to see the steady stream. Then we got a few Christmas cards saying ‘thank you’ for the gift. How good to be givers at Christmas time. What fun.

  13. You’ve had huge major changes in your life in just over a year. You’ve been wise to not make major decisions and
    further changes. You’re in a new season now and when and if God has a move for you, He will let you know. Best wishes and prayers for a happy & blessed year in 2011! Ruth Dinwiddie