The Choice

PackageYou blog readers and many others have gifted Mary with everything from daily prayers to letters, greeting cards, flowers, books, cozy clothing items, two prayer shawls, health foods, and more. She’s made use of everything, gratefully wrapping herself in the blessings you’ve shared.

Recently we were talking about all this bounty and she told me (with exclamation points in her voice) how astounded she’s been at the way each gift has been perfectly matched to her need-of-the-moment. “Of course it’s God putting these things together like that,” she said, “but he’s using the generosity of friends to do it. It just amazes me.”

But I think Mary has something to do with it, too. Even in her debilitated condition, now with nausea plaguing her on top of fatigue, she’s making a conscious choice every day to embrace what people send. She could have chosen the opposite approach, thinking, “I don’t deserve these gifts. I’m just going to set them aside. Besides, I can’t read all the books, can’t absorb all the messages.”

Instead she has received each one eagerly, knowing it’s the Lord who’s behind the perfectly-timed arrival of every item. And she doesn’t want to miss anything he’s trying to say to her, through these gifts.

Jesus TodayAs we talked further, Mary gave me an example: “Somebody sent me Sarah Young’s new book, Jesus Today,” she said. During a discouraging moment I opened it to entry #9 and found God’s exact instruction of what I needed to do to lift my mood. Writing from a first-person point of view as if she was Jesus talking, Sarah wrote, ‘As you go through this day, you will encounter things that make you cringe, things that are wrong or ugly. […like cancer] Do not let them become your focus’.”

Mary went on to tell me how the devotional challenged her to “look the right way,” which is to look at Jesus. Ms. Young wrote, “You yearn for perfection, and I [Jesus] am the fulfillment of that deep longing. I am able to stay close to you as you walk through this sin-stained world. So look the right way – toward blessings, toward Me – and the Joy of My Presence will shine upon you.”

Mary marveled at God’s well timed delivery of personal encouragement that day, as he’s done over and over with the gifts she’s received. But when she said, “I want to choose to do that, to ‘look the right way’,” I had to smile. I’d say she’s been doing pretty well at that already.

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy.” (Psalm 16:11)

Praising and Praying with Mary

  1. Praise for sisters in “Club Chemo” who have come alongside with tips and encouragement 
  2. Praise that today was a day with minimal nausea; please pray that this will continue
  3. Pray for the strength to get through the 4 busy days ahead

Bible Study

Back in the 1940’s when Mary and I were young, our mom, a Christian, would love to have studied the Bible with other women, but this kind of organization didn’t exist apart from adult Sunday school classes. These days, women have a plethora of weekday Bible studies from which to choose. Beginning in the 1950’s, organizations like Bible Study Fellowship and InterVarsity began springing up in response to women’s growing thirst for more of God’s Word.

Winnetka Covenant ChurchI remember well the first of these Bible studies I attended. It was 1978, and though it didn’t meet at my church, the point was simply to dig into God’s Word together (several hundred of us) without worrying about different denominations. Mom lived directly across the street from that church and invited Mary and I to sign up for the study, offering to care for our babies while we attended.

Those several years were the beginning of “habitual” Bible study for Mary and me. By that I mean we learned so much, we couldn’t wait to begin each next session and dove into our weekly homework with gusto. After we’d been through all the lessons offered by that group, we moved to another one and studied further, making good friends along the way.

Fast-forward to yesterday. Mary experienced something she described as “so wonderful I could hardly stand it!” She had the deep satisfaction of returning to a Bible study group she’d been part of for 25 years, though not the last two.

This particular branch of Community Bible Study has over 300 weekly attendees, and Mary began attending in the 1980’s. After being a small group leader for several years, she took a position as a senior leader, leading the leaders. It was that special group she visited yesterday, 30-some women who know Mary well and who’ve prayed without ceasing since her cancer diagnosis.

As Mary said, “Bible study is always meaningful, but when you do it with other women for years on end, you bond like family. Being with them again was thrilling!”

CBS Leaders.In the presence of these “family members” yesterday, she said she looked from face to face and just drank them in, grateful for each one. “Anyone can study the Bible,” she said, “but hearing what other women are learning, and spending time praying with them causes deep friendships to develop. A group Bible study is far more than just studying.”

Yesterday the women prayed with Mary, and as she left 30 minutes later to keep her next commitment, she told me she “couldn’t contain her joy and in the car spoke to God out loud,” thanking him for all the years with these dear friends, and the great bonus of 30 minutes yesterday.

Surely it pleases God any time we huddle over his Word, and he rewards us with knowledge and understanding. But when we study with others, his extra gift is the rich fellowship that results.

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man [or woman] sharpens another.”  (Proverbs 27:17)

Praising and Praying with Mary

  1. Praise for women friendships and today’s current Bible study
  2. Praise for time with family tonight
  3. Pray for her to be Spirit-led through this busy week

Calendar Wite-Out

Most people are chased by a full calendar every single day. If nothing is written on the squares, it’s the exception, and the general rule is that over-commitment is better than under-commitment. That’s not a very good rule.

Wite-outMany of us travel through unique periods of time when God uses Wite-Out on our calendars for us, at least temporarily. For example, when a family emergency occurs. It’s shocking how quickly our calendar priorities adjust to let us rush to the aid of someone we love.

Another example might be if we have to go to court for something or are lucky enough to draw jury duty. At first we scramble and say no-can-do. I’m too busy. But somehow, because the law says we must, we do.

Mary’s situation is another instance of a cleared calendar. The day she heard she had a lethal cancer, her calendar erased itself. Figuring she had only a short time to live, she X-ed out everything except connections with doctors and family. And this, after having been one very busy lady!

But God didn’t allow that to happen without purpose. As Mary spent time preparing for and recuperating from surgery, she suddenly had hours and hours to herself, time the likes of which she’d never known. She slowed down enough to really think. About her history, her future, her possible death, her blessings, her losses, her relationships, her priorities, her Lord and his Scriptures. Quiet, uncommitted time was not wasted time. Actually, it might have been the most spiritually valuable period of her 70 years.

CacophanyIn our pursuit of maximum productivity, it’s easy to let priorities become skewed. But is it God’s nature to compete for our attention with a cacophony of other commitments? He’s told us that if we want a vibrant, life-directing relationship with him, he must be #1. As Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters.” (Matthew 6:24)

Each of us has the freedom to choose who or what we want to be in charge of our lives. A Wited-out calendar might occur because of something difficult or even heartrending, but being given unfettered time to think about and re-orient a life is a really good thing.

Mary is feeling great right now, and today she used the word “happy” in reference to her frame of mind. As the days go by, though, she’s been writing on her calendar again, and every day this week is already jam-packed. So she’s asked us to pray that she won’t become over-committed, and that all she’s gleaned from her cleaned-off calendar will not be lost.

With chemo beginning in one week, God may help her with that project in ways she can’t anticipate now. But because it’s him doing it, it’s bound to turn out really good.

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.” (Psalm 37:5)

Praising and Praying with Mary

  1. Praise for organized Bible studies (after a visit with Bible study colleagues today) and the rich friendships that result
  2. Praise for 6 pounds gained!
  3. Pray for God’s discernment concerning new calendar commitments
  4. Pray for the strength to say “no” when she should