Critter Gitters

I live on the edge of a forest that’s alive with critters of all kinds, everything from ants to owls to fox to turkeys. Of course there are also deer, mice, squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, gophers, ‘possums, coyotes, spiders, and raccoons. All of them were here before I was, so I try to give grace. But when they leave the forest and enter my house, all bets are off.

Though I would never harm even an ant when it’s outside, killing that same ant on my kitchen counter feels right. The same goes for any other critters who take up residence with me.

Last summer the situation reached a new low when I found chipmunk droppings scattered over my silverware and in my measuring cups.

IMG_3646Then winter came, with the pitter-patter of little feet in my attic, and this spring I noticed yellow urine stains on the white bedroom ceilings. Logic told me a crowd of critters was cohabitating with me, breaking house rules.

That’s when I called “Awesome Critter Gitters,” a local pest control service with a reputation for gentle but insistent removal. Eric arrived with a truck full of live-trap cages, all sizes, and the determination of man over beast.

“First off,” he said, “we’ll do a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior, inch-by-inch. That’ll tell us where they’re getting in. After that, we’ll set live traps at the exits to make sure everybody’s out. Then we’ll seal up the house.”

For the next few days, Eric was a steady presence on my property, crawling all over the roof, using a mirror on a stick to look up, under, and behind every inch, just as he’d promised.

Critter GitterHe was up and down his ladder dozens of times, inspecting every crevice, anything wider than a pinky finger. “They don’t need much space to get in,” he said. I watched as he pulled acorn caps and shredded nesting material out of some very strange places.

He put pieces of tissue in tubes connected to several of the holes. “If the tissue falls out, we know an animal exited. If it falls in, they entered.” He showed me evidence of active use next to loose siding pieces. “See that grey smudge? Oil from a squirrel’s fur as he pushed his way in.” Other gaps were clean at the edges, indicating they’d abandoned those.

After Eric left that first day, the very next morning the traps were full, so I called him.

(To be continued)

Even a…”spider skillfully grasps with its hands, and it is in kings’ palaces.” (Proverbs 30:28 NKJV)


Years ago, Nate and I invited a couple over for dinner, friends since college. Through the course of the evening, we spent time in the kitchen, dining room, and living room, and as they were leaving the husband said, “You know, I just noticed something. The only thing hanging on your walls is your family. It’s all pictures of kids!”

Nate and I laughed and said something like, “And that’s some pretty valuable wall-art.”

Most parents enjoy showing off their children with photos throughout the house, and we were no exception. But what does a parent do when the group expands as grandchildren come along? Eventually we either take down the pictures of our own kids to make way for our grands, or we move to a house with more wall space.

As our family has increased, I’ve decided to solve the space problem by putting all my grandchildren into one frame with multiple openings. First it was 4 of them, then 6, and then 8, which meant buying a larger picture frame every year or two – a happy task.


When purchasing my most recent frame, though, I got smart. As my 10th grandchild was being announced, I bought a frame with 12 openings, trying to get ahead of the game. My strategy paid off as grandchild #11 was announced less than a year later. But there was still one opening left.


Recently, we were surprised with the thrilling news that another little face would, indeed, by joining the other 11 in that frame. Katy and Hans will be sending photos of a new baby-Nyman in January, completing the set of 12.

I look at these happy faces many times each day, wondering how their lives will go…. and also wondering where I’ll find a frame with 13 or 14 openings, if needed! But I thank God for each one and have committed to praying for them all, claiming glorious promises over them, even those yet unborn.

For example: “I pray that you, Lord, would never be far from these children. Be their strength, and always go quickly to help them.” (Psalm 22:19)

And another: “May each one trust in you, Lord, at all times and feel free to pour out their hearts to you, understanding that you are their refuge.” (Psalm 62:8)

One more: “Create pure hearts within each one, O God, and continually renew steadfast spirits within them.” (Psalm 51:10)

Gazing at my wall-art of grandchildren brings them close to me, even when they’re miles away. But praying for them does something even better than that. It transports us all into God’s throne room, a supernatural togetherness like no other.

So they are together in my wall-art, together in God’s hands, and together in my heart.

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Don’t be a sissy.

Back in 2004, I was sitting at the small kitchen table in Mom’s retirement apartment when she put a cookie in front of me, along with a cup of Sanka coffee. “Here,” she said. “Have a napkin, too.”

She handed me a luncheon-size napkin with a cartoon and a pithy saying on it. Two old ladies were sitting together on a park bench, and one was saying to the other, “Old age isn’t for sissies.”

Old Age

I chuckled and said, “Cute, Mom. Where’d you get these?”

“I bought ‘em myself, because that’s how it is.” She was 91 at the time and I was 58 – clearly a generation gap.

Now that I’m a dozen years closer to 91, I’m starting to appreciate Mom’s napkin philosophy. Some might say youth is wasted on the young, but the truth is, only the elderly have gained the courage and stamina to deal with old age.

IMG_5759Growing old gracefully is full of daunting challenges. Nothing but a lifetime in the School of Hard Knocks can prepare us to cope with the surprises that come as the years pile up.

The same is true in our Christian lives. God compares spiritual youth to physical babyhood. A diet of biblical milk is all we can digest, and anything else would be like trying to feed steak to a newborn.

Much later, as we accumulate more years of walking with God, we develop some spiritual teeth and begin tentatively sinking them into the harder parts of life. We learn to swallow small bits of biblical meat and receive nourishment enough to weather hardship.

Whether it’s physical or spiritual maturity, it takes time and experience to do life well. And when we’ve passed threescore and ten, living through the years after that requires spiritual muscle that can only come by eating the right diet… with or without a philosophical napkin.

“Do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature.” (1 Corinthians 14:20)