What’s the story?

This week God told me a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

I was sitting at a red light facing a stormy Lake Michigan, appreciative of a moment to study the churning water and its white caps. Winds over 30 mph rocked my car at the T-intersection as I waited for the green light.

Still growingJust then I spotted a tree directly across the road that must have been damaged on another stormy day. Apparently winds had been wild then, too, strong enough to twist the top right off the tree, leaving only a ragged stump. Despite such radical damage, it was growing new branches and taking on a new shape.

I snapped a photo and didn’t think much more about it.

Later, in the middle of the night, a loud noise woke me from a deep sleep, sounding like a giant Velcro patch being slowly torn apart. Since my window was open, the strange sound seemed especially frightening. But then came a giant thud, and I knew what it was — a tree that had just been torn apart.

IMG_3257The next morning I pulled on my boots and went looking. Only a few yards behind the house lay a tree that had been ripped in half from the bottom up and in its fall had pulled down a second tree. Both had landed in an enormous tangle of trunks and branches.

As I studied the damage, an old King James Bible word came to mind: rend. That version of the Bible uses rend to mean a tearing away, a ripping, a splitting. It was a word God used to pronounce judgment – “I will rend the kingdom from them. I will rend their wall. I will rend the heavens.”

IMG_3258Taking a mental measurement of the two fallen trees, I thought about how just the day before, and for years before that, both had stood 50 feet tall, strong and straight. And I thought about the stumpy tree at the red light…. and that’s when God told me a story.

“Though I sometimes rend things away, I usually follow that with a rendering.”

I had to head home to dictionary.com to find out what rendering meant and learned it was to provide or deliver. So, to rend is to take; to render is to give.

God was saying, “Sometimes my story-telling in people’s lives begins with a rending as I separate them from something they want or think they need that is really inappropriate or harmful. But my rending is always done with wisdom and an eye toward positive purposes that will come over time.

That was the beginning of the story.

The middle came next. “If you pay attention, you’ll see that I follow each rending with a rendering. I deliver what’s needed to start again, to experience new growth — much like the tree near the lake. I render the ability to do things better, to make different decisions, to rearrange priorities.

“In other words, I’m behind the rending but also the rendering.”

And the end of the story? “That,” he says, “depends on how you respond to the beginning and the middle.”

“[God] will render to every man….” (Romans 2:6)

Go, Granny, Go!

In 70 years I’ve never loaded and unloaded suitcases as often as in recent months.

IMG_1380Last December it was off to Florida to welcome grandchild #11, Nelson Aaron. After 10 days in babyland, I flew home in January, using every minute of two days to unpack and re-pack for Kona, Hawaii.

Kona babyEmerald needed a nanny for a couple of months, and I was the lucky winner.


FullSizeRender (3)From Kona I flew to California to spend a delightful 8 days with my cousins and their families, after which I winged my way back to Hawaii to participate in Nelson’s pastoral ordination weekend, a thrilling milestone.

Nelson and Derek



From there it was a red-eye flight back across five time zones from Kona to Michigan,


FullSizeRender (6)where I unpacked and re-packed to head back to Florida for another busy 10 days. Joining in with Linnea and Adam’s lively little ones, as well as with Birgitta and Emerald, I was thankful I could keep up at all!


From there, it was another flight home, where I’ve been unpacking and re-packing again, this time for a trans-Atlantic flight to England on Monday. I’ll join Hans and Katy’s family of 7, renewing relationships after 18 months apart.

IMG_5752We’ll celebrate three birthdays, and I’ll work at adjusting to five time zones in the opposite direction of Hawaii’s.

Eleven days later, I’ll fly home along with the sun, back across the Atlantic to unpack once again…. and put my suitcases away. My guess is, I’ll be ready.

Looking down.When flying, I always select a window seat where I can watch the landscape go by, far below. While we zoom along at 650 mph in air temperatures of 50 below zero, I marvel at how small our world seems. For example, two of my kids live half-a globe apart so that when one is waking up, the other is going to sleep. Yet in the time it takes me to read a good book, take a nap, and eat a meal, I can get to both places. The world is shrinking.

Earth, by NASAOften I wonder how God views our planet. Even thousands of years ago, before Google Earth and 767 jets, he looked down and saw our world as small. In Scripture he likens it to a footstool. Yet his opinion of Earth’s occupants is so grand that he paid an enormous price to be sure we could live with him always.

I don’t understand it, but I sure am grateful. And though flying 30,000 feet above the earth is the perfect time to ponder this mystery, being grounded for a while is nice, too. When 18 weeks of “go, Granny, go” morphs into “stop, Granny, stop,” it’ll be ok with me.

This is what the Lord says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool….” What is man, that thou art mindful of him? O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! (Isaiah 66:1, Psalm 8:4,9)


Struggling to make myself understood by the gas station attendant who accused me of ruining his car wash (yesterday’s blog), I tried one last time. “The recording won’t let me put in my code!”

“You were just supposed to punch it in,” he said with disdain, “so the wash would start like it always does.”

“But it won’t let me punch it in! It says it’s ‘in use’!”

“No!” he said. “You just punch it in. Like this!” Punching hard at his cash register buttons, he looked at me through a frown.

“But it won’t let me!” I pleaded. “Won’t you please come outside so I can show you?”

“It won’t let you, because you broke it! No – I won’t come. Wagging his finger at me he said, “You go now. No car wash for you today!”

“But I already paid!” I said again.

“No car wash for you today… or any other day! Never!”

And with that he reached into his cash register and pulled out a five dollar bill and tossed it on the counter in front of me. “There. Now get your car and go! And don’t come back!”

$5 (2)

As I walked back to my car feeling completely misunderstood, I thought about how frustrating it is to do your very best at getting a point across and still fail. And I had to ask myself, is that how God feels when I don’t “get” something he’s trying to tell me?

When things aren’t going well and there’s no one to blame, do I blame him? And then does he feel frustrated with my lack of understanding? Or when he’s trying to tell me something through his Word, do I interrupt and “talk over” him by skipping the hard parts or denying his intended meaning? Or do I lose patience when he doesn’t quickly answer my prayer requests?

Does he finally give up and stop trying as I did with the gas station guy? I didn’t really want $5; I wanted a car wash. But he wasn’t willing to hear me out or go outside to identify the problem.

It’s similar with God. He wants me to come along with him, to spend one-on-one time listening carefully to what he’s trying to explain. He’s hoping I’ll try to understand with an open mind. I wanted the attendant to believe me, but from the beginning, he was set against that. God wants me to believe him, too, without my defenses being up against him.

As I walked back to my car, I passed the machine where I’d first entered my code. “Please wait. Car wash in use,” it said. All I could think was that when the next car wash customer couldn’t punch in his code, he would probably head for the attendant, too. That’s when he’d learn that a crazy woman broke it that afternoon.

“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord.” (Isaiah 1:18)