Dogged Determination

Snow dogOur dog Jack loves the snow. His bear-like coat makes summers difficult, but once cold weather arrives, he’s a contented canine. Despite his waning energy and joint pain, he’s always up for a walk outdoors and often balks at going back in, even in sub-zero temps.

If I was Jack, snow would frustrate me. After all, dogs love to “catch a scent,” and taking a walk in a snow-covered neighborhood doesn’t leave much for a nose to do. That, however, doesn’t stop Jack.

Knowing the good smells are under there somewhere, he plunges his muzzle into one drift after another with dogged determination. And without coming up for air, he enjoys nosing around beneath a foot of snow until we finally tug on his leash, coaxing him to continue walking. His face comes up covered with snow as if to say, “Hey, I’m busy here!”

I admire Jack’s tenacity. He knows what he’s after and is willing to dig deep to get it. I wish I had that same dogged determination in my quest for more of God.

Back in the 1970’s there was a phrase of “Christian-ese” popular in youth groups around the country. A teen who was fully committed to Christ was said to be “following hard after God.” It meant his highest priority was to learn more about the Lord and how to obey him fully.

The Pursuit of God.Recently I discovered that “following hard after God” didn’t originate in the ‘70’s after all, but was part of A. W. Tozer’s book, The Pursuit of God, written in 1948. His first chapter is titled, “Following hard after God,” a discussion of the deep satisfaction that comes in seeking God above all else. He says the results of such a pursuit include unique manifestations of Christ that can’t be had any other way.


From Tozer I learned that the expression “following hard after God” wasn’t original with him, either. He found it in the King James Version of the Bible: “My soul followeth hard after Thee.” (Psalm 63:8)

These were the words of David while he on the run in the wilderness, feeling an intense need for God. He wrote that he was “thirsty” for him, recognizing that “following hard after him” was his only hope. Pursuit of God was #1, and as we see his life played out in Scripture, his thirst for God was deeply satisfied.

Snowy walk, Jack and Nelson

In Jack’s pursuit of earth-scents, he isn’t exactly pursuing God. But he’s doing what God made him to do, which brings him deep satisfaction. And I know that if I would faithfully pursue God with that same dogged determination, my gains would be even greater than his.

“You, God, are my God; earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you. Your love is better than life. I will praise you as long as I live. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods.” (Parts of Psalm 63)

Trying to Communicate

As two-year-old Emerald learns to talk, she often struggles to make us understand. The other day she said, “Ah-bye-ya? Ah-bye-ya?” Three of us stood in front of her making guesses as if we were a panel playing a word game and she was trying to stump us.

“I by you? Go bye-bye? Oh baby?”

On and on we guessed without getting it right as Emerald repeated her question again and again. Finally frustration got the best of her, and she left the room with a knitted brow. It’s tough not to be understood when you know exactly what you’re trying to say. The gap in communication between us must have been much like what happened at the biblical Tower of Babel.

Tower of BabelAlthough the building project had begun with everyone speaking the same language, before it finished workers couldn’t understand or be understood. Because the language barrier happened abruptly, intense frustration must have been the order of that day, too.

Ever since then, citizens of the world have had trouble understanding each other. Existing languages number about 6500, and most of us know only one of them. I often think of Adam and Eve and their family. What language did they speak? Surely it wasn’t English.

I also wonder about the language of heaven, which I’m hoping will be plopped into all our brains in one instant: grammar, usage, vocabulary and all. (If I have to attend language school once I get there, it’ll be a huge disappointment.)

Words are a most valuable possession, particularly those of the Bible. And since God assures us his Word-of-words is eternal, we’ll probably be reading/hearing it in a brand new language.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Lord decided not only to put a new language inside our brains but to deposit all of Scripture in there at the same time? No more struggling to memorize, or reviewing to keep it fresh, or looking up references. We would know it, understand it, and have it handy for immediate use. I can’t imagine such a gift!

As for Emerald and her frustration over our not grasping the meaning of “ah-bye-ya?”, a few minutes later she reappeared in front of us with…. her little pink umbrella. “Ah-bye-ya!” she announced in triumph, holding it up for all to see.

Ah-bye-ya....Thrilled to connect with her at last, we applauded and said, “Umbrella! Umbrella!” Her broad grin was testimony to the joy of being fully understood. If heaven’s language will make us feel like that, then communicating is going to be great fun indeed!

“You are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

Who, What and When

One of the problems of having 7 children is trying to remember who I told what, when.

(Left to right: Nelson, Hans, Lars, Klaus; Linnea, Louisa, Birgitta)

The brothers

The sistersFor example, I might be planning a trip and tell one of my children about it as we’re conversing in my kitchen: “On such-and-such a date, I’m going to visit so-and-so.”

Then, while texting with another child later that day, I might send a similar message. The next day I might have a phone conversation with another one and say the same. Gradually the word spreads: “On such-and-such a date, Mom’s going to visit so-and-so.”

But then, after I’ve gone, sure as shootin’ one of my grown kids will say, “Where’s Mom? She hasn’t been home for 2 days!” That’s when a sibling will say, “Don’t you remember? She went on a trip.” Then the uninformed will respond with, “She never told me.”

That’s when one of the others will say, “Well, she told me 3 times.”

These days, iPhones make group-informing easier, but for many years remembering to let all 7 adult children know my plans was a chronic problem. Occasionally one of them would actually miss a family gathering because, “No one told me!” It was an awful dilemma.

I failed at communicating like this again recently, and today as I was chastising myself, God comforted me by reminding me of something special: “Remember, I’ll never do that to you.”

One of the Lord’s awesome characteristics is that he relates to each of his children one-on-one every time he wants to communicate something. It’s as if each of us is an only child, his only child. But that isn’t all.

The heavensSimultaneously, while relating to one of us at a time, he’s also keeping track of his personal interactions with every person who lives on the earth. And it doesn’t stop there, because he’s also one-on-one with those who’ve died and are already living in Paradise with him… from the first-ever man and woman through to today.

Thus, the total number of his one-on-one relationships is astronomical, yet he is continually keeping careful track of each one, what he’s told, what he hasn’t.

My 7 children have good reason to wonder if they’re missing out on something I’ve told the others but not them. But God’s children don’t ever have to feel insecure about that. He’ll never fail to let us know everything we need to know.

This is reassuring, especially when I’m waiting to hear from him and don’t. I can be encouraged by picturing my Heavenly Parent looking me straight in the eyes and telling me the important stuff. And if I still have lingering questions or am craving more info, I should remember that I don’t have it only because I don’t yet need it. He’ll tell me when his timetable says he should.

He won’t ever forget to inform me. And if I miss the details, it’ll only be because I didn’t remember what he already said.

Then I remembered what the Lord had said.” (Acts 11:16)