Traveling Light…. and Light-hearted

Today I dropped Nelson off at a train with a snow-packed underside and steps so ice-encrusted the conductor had to chip and shovel before letting anyone off or on.

Seasoned traveler.A train trip to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport is the first leg of Nelson’s convoluted 3 day journey that will land him in north India. As he walked toward the platform, I said, “You look like a seasoned traveler.” In his cap and carefully-chosen, layered clothes, his expert planning would efficiently make the transition from Michigan’s single-digit cold to India’s warmth. His only luggage for many months was a backpack.

With a double blast from the diesel engine, he was gone.

Though I stood by my car waving till he was out of sight, once behind the wheel again, I burst into tears. My heart is genuinely joyful for Nelson’s departure for one reason: his steps have been specifically directed by God. But my emotions were objecting.

Leaning toward the facts, I reminded myself that the Lord has carefully led Nelson to this day. Here are just two of the many ways we knew that:

1. After having applied for a visa to India and wondering whether or not it would come through, Nelson was cleaning out some old files and came across a folder of foreign paper money. And though he has traveled extensively in more than a dozen countries, the only money in the file was rupees from India.


2. He applied for a 10 year, multiple-entry visa but was mentally prepared for something much less, maybe a 90 day visa with limited entry. Or even a 30 day with one entry. But the 10 year visa came through on exactly the day he’d expected it.

There were other indications this was God’s plan for Nelson, too, so as my tears trickled, I reminded myself of the privilege of releasing this son to do the work he’s been called to do. And I pictured my Aunt Joyce sitting next to me in the car telling me to stop crying and thank God for all the blessings of being Nelson’s mother.

His instruction is to give thanks no matter what’s going on around us, plus or minus. A heart of gratitude is to be grounded in the Lord, not in how we feel at any given moment. And his blessing covers everything from eternal salvation to a pair of warm gloves. Not even the saddest circumstances are devoid of something for which to be thankful.

As for counting the blessings of being Nelson’s mother, at the top of my list was having a son whose highest priority is to follow God’s will for his life. That led me to be thankful he boarded the train. Had Nelson seen my tears and then cancelled his trip, I would have been disappointed…. and so would God.

Besides, by the time I got home from the station, my blessing-list was long, and my tears were long-gone.

“A wide door for effective work has opened to me.” (1 Corinthians 16:9)

Releasing or Resisting?

Those of us who love being parents often have trouble letting go of our children when the time comes. Whether that’s sending them off to kindergarten, college, or marriage, the goodbyes always include a twinge of sadness (and sometimes a deluge of tears). As we practice at parting ways, though, we get better at it. Goodbyes may never be completely painless, but they can become less difficult.

Where we run into trouble is when we cling too tightly. As James Dobson often said, a parent’s most important task is to work themselves out of a job. Though we’ll always be the mom or dad, active parenting ought always to be on the decrease. If we refuse to release them, everything goes haywire.

Aunt JoyceI well remember my mentor, Aunt Joyce, going through this process when her daughter and son-in-law, along with two of her grandchildren, left for a distant mission field. My aunt told me how she wrestled with the Lord over his plan to “take them away” like that. Though she had released her daughter at the appropriate times along the way, this additional letting go seemed too much.

She described how the Lord worked with her to give her a new perspective. And when she came out the other side, she understood that letting go of her daughter and family meant she was participating in the Great Commission. By releasing rather than resisting, she was indirectly helping to spread the Gospel to the nations.

After that, though the goodbyes continued to be emotional, her changed perspective helped her. Lovingly letting go was the work God gave her to do, and by accepting the assignment, she got to participate in missions, too.

As I was raising 7 children, I never dreamed how many goodbyes there would be. The most difficult ones have been those involving thousands of miles and months of time. But in almost every case, those have been in the realm of missions, and remembering my mentor’s words has strengthened me to the task.

Tomorrow I’ll say goodbye to my firstborn once again as he heads for his next assignment with Youth with a Mission. This time his destination is 7342 miles from home, literally on the other side of the globe. When it’s noon for me, it will be midnight for him.

M and NThough I won’t see him for several months, my job as his mother is the same as my aunt’s was: to release him with my enthusiastic blessing. God has one purpose in it for him and a different one for me. And both of us want to take advantage of what those are.


“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!” (Psalm 96:3)

Frosty Frosting

Today when we left church we were treated to an unusual sight: snow frozen in a mid-melt slide off the roof, fringed with icicles. I’ve tried to make cake frosting look exactly like that and know how difficult it is to make it stay. This mid-plummet freeze was truly beautiful.

Frosty Frosting

Later, I watched a short online video of something else that’s been frozen mid-tumble: the mighty Niagara Falls. Due to unprecedented sub-zero temps, the crashing water at the bottom has morphed into massive marshmallow-like sculptures of ice like never before.

Frozen falls.Our Creator keeps the whole world running, and most often he does it by way of his own natural laws. When it gets cold, water freezes. When the air warms, it melts. And sometimes I wonder if he looks at the dramatic effects of his seasonal extremes (like the frozen Niagara) and admires his handiwork.

Surely it brings him joy when we admire it.

Frozen falls..But we shouldn’t stop there. Looking at a frozen waterfall ought to prompt our admiration of not just what’s been created but of the One who created it. As we see photos of the falls, we ought to quickly breathe praise to God: “You’ve made a spectacular world, Lord! You are awesome!”

Without doubt this would please him.

Psalm 104 is a detailed description of God’s daily involvement in our physical world. The writer admires the way things grow, the behavior of wild animals, weather patterns, movements of the sun and moon, and God’s relationship to all of it.

Toward the end, after giving much thought to what’s been made, the psalmist writes, “May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord.” (v. 34) He implies that thinking about what’s been created not only pleases God but wells up in his own heart as rejoicing.

And if we’re wondering what the Creator thinks about all this meditating and rejoicing over his world, the author writes, “May the Lord rejoice in his works.” (v. 31) So apparently He’s rejoicing, which means we should, too.

Freezing climbThis afternoon I enjoyed my virtual trip to Niagara Falls. Some people, though, want to do more than that. This month a professional ice climber named Will Gadd decided to be the first-ever to climb the ice-falls, and he carefully picked his way from bottom to top. I heard him marvel over the astounding beauty of his experience. He labeled it, “one of the highlights of my life.” Surely this brought a smile to the Creator.

As for me, I’m content just to praise the One whose natural laws formed the frosty frosting sliding over the edge of our church roof.

“How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all.” (Psalm 104:24)