Something New

Every December I pray the same prayer: Lord, please show me something new about the Christmas story.”

The cardsAnd then I watch for it. I think of it as a special game that God and I play together. He has “all the cards” but when asked, is willing to show one (or more) of them to me. I know he isn’t going to lay out the whole hand, but seeing even one of them means he’s letting me win one round of our game.

In past years he’s never failed to answer my prayer, sometimes in big ways, sometimes small. This morning in church, as the children presented a brief Christmas program, he showed me one of his cards. It was just a little one, but I appreciated it.

Shepherds and sheep.As a robed angel-boy announced to the shepherds that the Savior had been born, other angels chimed in with singing, and an invitation was given to “go and see” the new baby. The child-shepherds responded with this:

“The Lord will take care of the sheep. Let’s go!”

And there it was. The new card. I’d never thought about those sheep before, the ones “abiding in the field” outside Bethlehem with their “shepherds keeping watch over them by night.” The text says the shepherds immediately went “with haste” to find the baby Jesus.

Surely after their encounter with so many supernatural beings, none of them gave the sheep another thought as they bolted toward town. And though Scripture doesn’t include that line about the Lord being the one to take care of the sheep, that’s probably exactly what happened. I can’t see any of the shepherds volunteering to miss out on this awesome event by hanging back with the sheep.

We’ve heard the nativity story so many times it tends to move in one ear and out the other without making any fresh impact. To consider one small part of it we haven’t thought about before is to look afresh at this 2000-year-old story, even if it’s only something simple like wondering about who cared for the sheep after the shepherds ran off.

But an even greater joy comes in realizing that God generously answers the prayers of people seeking more of him and wanting further information about his story. I plan to keep watching in case God wants to play another round of our game, and thankfully, he’s ok with that. Actually, he has encouraged me to stay on the lookout and seems to enjoy revealing more of his story to anyone who wants to know.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

Praising and Praying with Mary

  1. Please pray that our 11th grandchild will be safely delivered tomorrow.
  2. I’m thanking God for how really good I feel without the feeding tube!

One More from Melanie

In this season of giving, we’ve peeked in on how someone else does it, providing some fresh oomph for all of us to pass along whatever kindnesses we can. Melanie reported, after her birthday was over, that next year she’ll tweak her system to make it more efficient. After all, the number of kindnesses will only grow as the candles on her cake increase. Here’s what she wrote in an email:

At the end of the day I was pretty worn out…next year I’ll have to start giving myself a week to accomplish my list, because it’s not going to get any easier to get through it.  

Kindness..Many of the things were actually just a matter of getting around to my good intentions…notes I meant to write or thank-you’s I meant to say long ago but hadn’t accomplished. It felt good to just hunker down and be intentional (which is the opposite of random, I know) about making sure certain people were feeling loved and appreciated. I learned that it really doesn’t take much time at all, with a little planning, to brighten someone’s day who really needs it.

A few more things I learned… 

Kindness participantKindness starts at home. There are a gazillion things I do that all of us moms and wives do to serve our families, but I’m learning that there’s a big difference in the way I go about it when I have the mindset of, “How can I bless them?” I noticed an absence of resentment and an all-around better attitude when I thought to myself, “I can get this for him,” or “She would like it if…” Thanks, Lord, for the heart change! 

Along those lines, as this becomes a birthday tradition, I may make arrangements so the kids aren’t with me the _whole_ time I’m running around town. It may get easier as they get older, but this year I heard a lot of whining about getting in and out of the car, and it really amounted to a long day with lots of driving around for them. 

I also learned that I’m really awkward when I’m talking to random people. But the look of surprise when they learn they’re getting a free coffee is worth it.

Kindness....And I want to be sure to bless people who don’t get many thank-you’s, like those serving at school or church or cleaning public restrooms.  

And most importantly, I want to make the day less about “random,” which is a little too much about me and “how nice I am.” Instead I want to more purposefully share the love of Christ, because without him, I’m rotten and selfish.

And lastly, I confirmed that I have the most patient, indulgent husband. He drove around in rush hour traffic for me and never complained.  

All in all, best birthday ever. Tradition established. 

Love, Mel

“Remember this…. Whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”                    (2 Corinthians 9:6)

Praising and praying with Mary

I’m praising God for an early Christmas gift: my feeding tube came out today! Thank you so much for the faithful praying all of you did about this!

Not-so-random Acts of Kindness

Yesterday we met Melanie, who had decided to establish a new birthday tradition for herself. She would use her day of celebration to complete 38 not-so-random acts of kindness, one for each candle on her birthday cake. After having a good time meeting her goal on her 38th birthday, Melanie let us all know, in a second email, how it went:

Hi, again!

 Just had to update you on what was a pretty terrific day. The best part was hearing from all of you who were in cahoots with me, looking for a way to bless someone in your path. Here’s some of what we were busy with this week:

  • Kindness.Made copies for someone and delivered them
  • Took time to visit an elderly man in poor health
  • Helped someone figure out their new printer
  • Wrote a letter to an old friend
  • Called up a home-bound friend for a cheerful visit
  • Let someone go first in the car line at school
  • Slowed down and asked questions about things people are interested in
  • Smiled more and frowned less
  • Donated blood
  • Secretly paid for ice cream for the next family in line
  • Swept snow off cars in the parking lot
  • Left a note, gift, and balloon by the door of someone who shares my birthday
  • Took coffee to several school employees
  • Donated to places like the Salvation Army
  • Set a floral arrangement in the lobby at school with a note
  • Wrote encouraging notes to the kids’ teachers and principal
  • Left a note for the church staff thanking them and letting them know they’re prayed for
  • Left encouraging notes for library and maintenance staff at church
  • Left helium balloons for the kids of the moms in the Bible study at church
  • Shared floral arrangements with various friends
  • Delivered helium balloons to some nearby friends
  • Left Cracker Jack boxes for mailman and neighbors
  • Paid for another person’s coffee
  • Gave away several gift cards
  • Brought dinner to a friend
  • Paid extra attention to my tone of voice and patience with my family
  • Brought cookies and a thank-you to firefighters
  • Took coffee to my in-laws

*               *               *               *               *               *               *               *               *

KindnessJust reading through this partial list of kindnesses turned out to be an act of kindness to me. It brought a special heart-glow and taught me a thing or two about simple, doable blessings all of us can pass along.

Tomorrow we’ll hear from Melanie once more as she shares how she hopes to refine her birthday project so that 39 not-so-random acts of kindness can be delivered effectively on her second annual attempt to let the light of Christ shine through.

“Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)