Stony Obstacles

The incredible details of Easter are still floating around in my head today. Each year there’s much to think about, because familiar Scriptures have the ability to make us notice one thing one year and another thing the next.

Women to the tombThis year our pastor mentioned something I’d never thought about, despite hundreds of readings through the Easter story. Jesus apparently rose from his dead state some time before sun-up that Sunday morning, leaving his tomb shortly thereafter. But three women who had dearly loved him began walking to the cemetery/garden “just after sunrise,” carrying costly spices and perfumes to anoint his badly battered body.

As they got closer, they began discussing a possible obstacle to their mission: would they find anyone to roll the large stone away from the entrance? Though they didn’t have an answer, they kept going.

As I sat in church on Easter, I wondered about the rest of us. We all come up against obstacles as we try to get to Jesus. But are we as forward-moving and determined as these women? Or do we say, “I know this obstacle is too big for me to move, and I don’t see anyone else available to move it, so I guess I can’t make it to Jesus.”

Last weekend I thought of the many obstacles Jesus encountered on his walk toward the cross, beginning with his intense discouragement in the Garden of Gethsemane just before being arrested. His enemy, Satan, was working overtime to derail the plan of salvation. And Satan still works daily to keep us from that plan and the Lord who established it.

As we walk toward Jesus, the devil puts obstacles in front of us to hold us back, just as the heavy stone sealing Jesus’ tomb would have kept the women away. In our Mary’s case, cancer is the obstacle, and the tempter is hoping she’ll be unable to get close enough to Jesus to maintain her strong testimony of his sufficiency. Since she’s made her faith public and it is encouraging many to walk toward Jesus, he is anxious to discredit her. It’s possible her agonizing decision about chemotherapy was made all the more difficult by this enemy of all Christians. He’d rather isolate her in defeat.

The three women in Scripture didn’t let the obstacle of an immovable stone stop them from proceeding toward Jesus anyway, and Mary hasn’t let cancer keep her from him, either. Actually, she’s been walking toward him with more resolve than ever, tough decisions and all.

Empty TombSalome, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and our Mary are all fine examples of what to do when obstacles come between us and the Lord: trust him to figure out how to move them out of the way.

“They saw that the stone had been rolled away, although it was extremely large.” (Mark 16:4)

Mary’s Prayer Requests

  1. Praise for a good meeting with Rush Hospital oncologist today
  2. Praise that weight was up a couple of pounds on the hospital scale
  3. Praise for friends who’ve signed up for the Pancreatic 5K Walk
  4. Continued request for clarity on where in Chicago to have chemo


All About Easter (By Mary)

Moody ChurchSitting in the Easter service at Moody Church this morning was a gift.  Nine weeks ago when I found out I had pancreatic cancer, I quickly had myself dead and buried. I honestly thought that by this time I might not be here.  But there I was, sitting in dear Moody Church, drinking in the familiar, much loved surroundings, next to Bervin and our children, participating in the glories of victorious resurrection music and hearing an uplifting sermon about Christ’s triumph over death. The feeling was spectacular and extremely moving to say the least.

In the shower this morning, I found myself humming the chorus “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives.”  As I looked at the church bulletin, I noticed Pastor Lutzer’s sermon was titled “Because He lives, I Can Face Tomorrow.” Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Easter has been something quite different for me this year, and cancer is the reason. I asked the Lord to “enlighten the eyes of my heart,” and he did, allowing me to soak in the reality of what really happened through the cross and the resurrection and to more fully understand the hope we have because of it.

EasterAnd here’s the bottom line: if I hadn’t put my trust in a risen Savior before I received that awful diagnosis, I would have jumped into a full-blown panic. Even now, having had the tumor removed and having been given a picture of medical optimism, I would have landed on the word “incurable”. That would have produced terror in my heart and made it impossible to feel any hope.  Every tomorrow would have been difficult to face.

In this situation, what would a person without Christ put their hope in? The doctors? The surgery? Chemotherapy? None of those offer more than hope-full-of-holes. But hope in Christ is “hole-less, holy hope,” optimism grounded in the truth of eternal life in heaven. Live or die, that kind of hope can’t be diminished.

And it’s all because of Easter…and because he lives!

It brings tears to my eyes when I see God demonstrating what he meant when he said he would walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death. (Psalm 23:4) I’ve been in that valley for 9 weeks now, and he has never left me. Even the most difficult days and tomorrows can be faced because I know he lives and goes with me.  Would I have so thoroughly understood such a promise without this cancer?

And could I have ever pictured the volume of love and support that’s come my way without this disease also coming my way? My heart is filled with gratitude. Although I don’t look forward to a future with pancreatic cancer hanging over my head, I do look forward to learning more of how God works, who he is, and what he wants to teach me.

Because He livesBecause of what happened on that first Easter Sunday, I get to be part of God’s family and walk with Him both now and throughout eternity. Because He lives!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” (I Peter 1:3)

My Prayer Requests:

  1. Christ the Lord is Risen Today…Hallelujah!
  2. Praise for wonderful family time during and after church
  3. Praise for so many faithful friends and prayer warriors
  4. Pray for courage and wisdom as we visit oncologists tomorrow

Walking and Running

Once in a while we hear this statement: “We’ll give a donation to your favorite charity.” I’ve always been intrigued by that, wondering if everyone actually has a favorite charity. If we don’t, maybe we should.

???????????????????????????????When our Aunt Agnes died (here being worshiped by our dog Toby), her will actually listed 17 favorite charities, with her estate divided accordingly. She was a practical example of generosity, but the importance of her big-heartedness didn’t end there. All giving brings pleasure to God, and hers surely did. But he isn’t necessarily looking for 17 favorite charities or even for big gifts. After all, he highlighted “the widow’s mite” in Scripture as a stunning example of good giving.

I think his main point was the woman’s attitude. Despite having little, she still gave. A question for all of us then is, how happily do we separate ourselves from the effort, money, or time we consider to be “ours”?

From personal experience I know this can be a lesson that resists learning, but if we’re stingy, maybe our hearts aren’t in a right place with God. If we give easily and joyfully, we know God is pleased. We also get the fun of “more blessed to give than receive.”

Cancer bandRecently I’ve become acquainted with an organization that exists to “advance research, support patients, and create hope for those affected by pancreatic cancer.” Although I’ve known about this group and others since Nate died of pancreatic in 2009, I’ve never done anything to help. It took Mary’s diagnosis, piled atop my husband’s, to motivate me.

Her children took the initiative, urging our extended family to sign up for an April 26th 5K walk/run in Chicago that’s all about pancreatic cancer. Though my last “race” was probably in the 1950’s, I’m good-to-go for this one, at least the family-friendly walking part.

Mary and Bervin’s home church (Moody) did some organizing, too, and put together a team of runners/walkers with a fabulous name: “Marchers for Mary.” Mary said, “I’d like to be there in some form or fashion. We’ll see. It continues to astound me the way people are giving and sharing, all because of my cancer. I just can’t get over it.”

Maybe this isn’t so much about “a favorite charity” as about Mary being our “favorite pancreatic cancer patient” right now. And even if she doesn’t feel up to the 5K walk, her testimony of God’s sufficiency through this life-and-death crisis is really the greater gift.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Mary’s Prayer Requests 

  1. For a sign from God to know which hospital/medical team to use for chemotherapy
  2. Mary requests that she “soak up” the powerful reality of the Easter story this weekend
  3. Praise she was able to return to the church ministry “Mom to Mom” this morning and do her part
  4. Praise for encouragement from the 5K team, “Marchers for Mary”