One Fine Day

Meeting IsaacHere in Florida, we’re all getting to know our new little relative, Isaac. Linnea and Adam decided to give him a strong biblical name just like his brother Micah, but since he’s their 4th child in 5 years, a little joyful laughter seemed appropriate too, and Isaac means laughter. He represents the opposite of sadness, and all of us are thrilled to be in that happy place with him today.

Of course there are strenuous days ahead, especially for a mommy managing so many young ones. I recall reading a book by the Duggar family (19 children) in which the mother wrote that her most difficult year was when her children were aged 5 and under. The oldest wasn’t old enough to give more than nominal help, and running errands, keeping house, and making sure everyone was fed and rested was the challenge of a lifetime.

Big sister and baby brotherToday, though, as we study little Isaac and watch his siblings begin to shape relationships with him, giggles and laughter punctuate his home. This is the day the Lord has made, and we are rejoicing with gladness in it. (Psalm 118:24) Today it’s all good: no sibling rivalry, no burdensome errands, and no pre-dinner meltdowns. Not today.

Instead Isaac is giving us a lesson in loving the here-and-now.

As I hold him and look into his brand new little face, I see how miraculously he’s been put together and sense how grand it is that we get to be part of his life story.

On this glad day, Birgitta texted me a wonderful quote from Charles Dickens: “It is not a slight thing when those so fresh from God love us.”

And as I’ve marveled over Isaac, that thought has been exactly what’s been rolling around in my mind but couldn’t assemble itself into a sentence. His relatives already love him dearly, but when a baby joins a family, something else is born too: the potential that he will love others one day too, which is, as Dickens wrote, not a slight thing. It’s something fresh from God.

Love, love, loveAlthough I’m unsure of where a soul is before God begins the work of knitting a baby together within a womb, Dickens may have had it right.

Scripture tells us love initiates with God, so it makes sense that as he “handled” the minuscule beginnings of little Isaac, he steadily infused love into his young heart and soul all along the way. Isaac will be able to both give and receive love in unlimited ways, and in God’s manner of math, that will mean a steady increase in the love surrounding him.

It’ll be love, love, and more love, exactly as God intended. ???????????????????????????????And so on this day, I’m thankful to have been lovingly tutored by someone who’s only 2 days old.

And yes indeed, it’s been one fine day.

“Let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God… Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (1 John 4:7-8)

Time and Time Again

We’ve all heard the expression, “Timing is everything.” It may not really be everything, but it’s definitely important.

Back in October, I decided it was time to purchase a plane ticket from Michigan to Florida for the birth of Linnea and Adam’s 4th baby, but the simple process of choosing a flight became complicated by not knowing when the little guy would appear. Only God knew, and he wasn’t telling.

Linnea’s first 3 babies each came about a week late, so as she and I went back and forth about which January day I should fly south, we targeted her due date plus one week. “Don’t come too soon,” she said. “You might have to fly home before the birth!”

January 16As I clicked the “purchase now” button on my laptop, I felt like a gambler. Foolishly, I hadn’t thought to ask God to pick my flight date, despite his knowing exactly when baby would arrive. Instead I purchased by chance, scheduling my trip for January 16th.

Because the birth was going to take place at home, opportunities for involvement would be far greater than if we were to meet the new baby in the more restricted atmosphere of a hospital.  And after the thrill of nearly making “the catch” at Autumn’s birth two years ago, I didn’t want to miss out! (Wonder of Wonders)

The weeks passed, and Linnea’s routine pregnancy gave no inkling of whether she’d be early or late. But while God held onto his secret, I couldn’t help but second-guess my January plane ticket. So I wrote myself a Post-it note: “Change flight?”

Then one day I decided to do it, going online and discovering it would cost only $52 to make the change. I felt a nudge to push it up 4 days, to Sunday, January 12th. But navigating the internet change-page was difficult, and after 3 tries, I gave up. My Post-it went in the trash, and I decided to stick with my January 16th ticket.

January 12But the mental niggling didn’t stop. Eventually I called the airlines, and they facilitated the change which I “randomly” picked, the 12th. And wouldn’t you know! Linnea’s labor kicked in on Monday morning.

To cut the cordHad I stuck with my original date, I’d have missed the birth… and the thrilling privilege of cutting the cord, which Linnea and Adam invited me to do.

I recount this story simply to say that God is always operating on our behalf, always looking out for our best interests. I wanted to participate in the birth of my 9th grandchild, and in the end, he gave me my wish.

???????????????????????????????I didn’t recognize his presence in the midst of my mental volleying over dates, or in my Post-it note, or in the niggling that wouldn’t quit, or in the choice of flying on January 12th. But my insensitivity didn’t deter him from gifting me with the perfect timing of my flight anyway.

And in this case, timing was everything.

I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God. My times are in your hand’.” (Psalm 31:14-15)

A Birth Day

It isn’t every day a grandma gets to help birth a baby! But today was one of those amazing days.

Even though my role was minor (conversing during labor, fanning an overheated mama, running for cool cloths), the grand finale’ was extraordinary for all six of us as we welcomed baby Isaac William into Linnea and Adam’s family. He joins Skylar, Micah, and Autumn, a happy pack of 4 children born in 5 years.

???????????????????????????????Birthing a baby is no small feat, and labor is well named. But Linnea was a trooper, enduring her unexpectedly long ordeal with stoicism and patience. As labors go, her 8 hour effort wasn’t especially long, but after 3 lightning fast labors, this one was a surprise.

As always, though, once the baby was in-arms, the duration of labor no longer mattered. As the book of Proverbs says, “the desire accomplished is sweet to the soul” (13:19), and nothing could diminish our joy. Later, as we sat pondering who “little” Isaac (9 pounds 1 ounce) would turn out to be, we knew that our wonderings had already been personally determined by God himself. And since that was true, we knew he was headed for a grand future.

Isaac William.“Father in heaven, may Isaac hear you calling his name while still a little child, and may he love you so steadfastly that he never turns away.”

“May you become blameless and pure, [a child] of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.Then you will shine…. like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” (Phil. 2:14-16)