God’s Good Will

Dropping offOne of 6 stops on my errand list today was the local Goodwill store, not to shop, but to drop off. Usually a heap of guilt accompanies this process: (1) I shouldn’t buy so much; (2) the things I buy ought to be better used; (3) giving away partially used items might insult those taking them in; (4) I have too much, while others have too little.

What is the right way to decide what we do or don’t need?

Sinai DesertI love the scriptural description of God’s care for the Israelites as they wandered back and forth in harsh desert conditions for 40 years. Being the practical God he was, he knew they wouldn’t come across any markets during those years and wouldn’t have a way to find water, food, or shelter. So he provided everything they needed, even clothes.


For example, at the end of their journey, he pointed out that their clothes hadn’t aged in 4 decades. It wasn’t just good luck, he told them. It was his direct doing. And he had an important reason for preventing even one sandal strap from breaking. As he put it, “…so that you might know that I am the Lord your God.”  He wanted them to recognize him in action, to realize he was sustaining them personally through those difficult years. (Deuteronomy 29:6)

The Lord is still doing this kind of thing, not necessarily by way of miracle-clothes or super-sandals but by continuing to meet our needs. And that’s the key word: needs. He inspects our lives, each of us, and makes a divine analysis of what those are and then meets them.

In Philippians 4 Paul says, “My God shall supply all you need.” The obvious conclusion is that if we don’t have it, we didn’t need it. I remember my children asking for things unendingly and telling them, “But you don’t need that.”

Their responses were always the same: “But I waaaant it!”

We must sound much like wailing children to God when we complain about not having everything we want, especially if we point to someone else and say, “But why can she have it and I can’t?” He has his reasons.

He could have clothed the Israelites in new outfits that fell from heaven just like the manna and quails he sent exactly that way. Instead he let them make do with what they already had, causing each item to remain new-like instead, not as fun as new wardrobes but definitely a need met.

When we look for God’s near-presence in our lives, it’s best to remove our preconceived ideas of what he should be doing for us and let him decide what we need and how to provide it.

Goodwill store

Maybe he’ll even do it by directing us to purchase some gently-used clothing from a local Goodwill store.

“The Lord says, “During the forty years that I led you through the wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet.” (Deuteronomy 29:5)

Do the Math

7 grandsToday I finally filled the last opening in my frame of 8 grandchildren, completing the group with a picture of newborn Andrew, who arrived at the end of May.

What a joy it was to put him on the family roster and also on my prayer list by name, though I’d talked to God about him well before we knew what his name would be.

8 grands

And he wasn’t the only unborn person in those conversations. Before Andrew had arrived and given us the answers to our wonderings, Linnea announced that my 9th grandbaby was on the way, too. Since God already knew the “who” about him or her just as he did about little Andrew ahead of time, he and I added that grandchild to our conversation.

For 9 grands

Then today, as I was praying through my list of 9, God asked a good question. It was as if he said, “Are you going to hunt for a 9-way picture frame now, or will you think bigger, like I do?” He was inviting me to pray with a new kind of math:

9 + X = G *

At that point he and I teamed up to have some fun, embarking on a conversation about all my grands: those born, the one in process, and those yet to be. None are unknown to him, and as I prayed, he privately filled in the blanks about those in a future generation.

I know I’m praying requests that are ok with him when I claim verses about my grands learning of God’s love early, running toward him and not away when troubles come, and trusting in the dark whatever he teaches them in the light.

Hundreds of his other scriptural promises and principles sit ready for any of us who desire to pray for our yet-to-be-born descendants. Since God is a Being outside space and time, he can easily reserve our prayers for the lives coming after us, applying them down the line. This holds true even if we’ve died before those births occur.

For 10 grandsFor 16 grands








All of us have heard the old motto, “Give the gift that keeps on giving.” I can’t think of a more long range, continually-giving gift than the supernatural activity of our mighty God in the lives of our relatives.

For 21 grands

And so, as I go shopping for a picture frame to hold my 9 grandchildren, maybe it should have 10 openings. Or maybe a dozen? Or 16? Or 20? Or maybe I should just earmark a big blank wall and buy a giant roll of tape? I’m not sure, but the one thing I am sure of is that praying for them all is going to be absolutely grand!

“This is my covenant with [those who love me],” says the Lord. “My Spirit will not leave them, and neither will these words I have given you. They will be on your lips and on the lips of your children and your children’s children forever. I, the Lord, have spoken!” (Isaiah 59:21)

* Grandchildren

Healing Powers

When I was growing up in the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, my friends occasionally disappeared from school for 2 weeks at a time, and sometimes I did, too. That’s because we all had to suffer through the debilitating diseases of mumps, measles (several kinds), chicken pox, flu, and several others.

These days children are blessed with vaccines. They can breeze through childhood skipping almost everything except the common cold. Well, that and a few other things.


Today Birgitta and Louisa brought home two amoxicillin prescriptions after slogging through 3 days of 102 fevers, razor-sharp sore throats, and nausea. I was certain they had strep throat, but with today’s lab reports, we learned they have a strep-lookalike called pharyngitis, an inflammation of the tube that connects the nasal passages, throat, and esophagus.

Sometimes, the doctor said, pharyngitis is a precursor to strep, and so she wrote the prescriptions. It’s my opinion these meds will perk them both up, and I hope they’ll feel better soon.

Scripture has a number of things to say about healing. In the Gospels we watch Jesus speak words of wellness over people that bring instant good health. How thrilling it would have been to be part of the crowd that witnessed this phenomenon first hand! If we’d have been there, we’d also have noticed Jesus connecting his healings with belief in God. He forgave their sin. Or taught of God’s character. Sometimes he challenged people to live righteously from then on. And he often made mention of their personal faith in him.

Broken heart

Jesus also talked of healing of another kind, the healing of broken hearts. As we move  close to him during times of sadness, he promises to mend us. And compared to physical healing, heart-healing is probably the more important one.

The Bible also says something else about healing. The wounds Christ suffered when he was tortured and put to death are somehow the cause of healing within us, healing from sin. Isaiah 53 says, “With his stripes we are healed.” Although we can’t fully comprehend  how this works, we take him at his word and accept that his crucifixion wounds are what will allow us to be healed (and sinless) throughout eternity.

Although Jesus can certainly affect physical healing in people today, we don’t see much of it in our country. Maybe that’s because the more important bottom line is not how vigorous we feel in the here and now but how healthy our life after death is going to be. And whether we’re hale and hearty in this life or find ourselves battling illness, it’s eternal health that God wants us to focus on most.


Meanwhile, Louisa and Birgitta continue to swallow with difficulty and hope their antibiotics kick in soon. Though each had to pay a doctor’s bill today, their expenditures were miniscule compared to what Jesus paid to make sure they can have good health everlastingly.

“O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved.” (Jeremiah 17:14)