We have no idea.

Each morning when we wake up, we look at the ceiling above us and run through our plans for that day, even though we have no idea what might unfold. By the time our heads are back on the pillow looking up at the ceiling that night, it may have all panned out differently.

Take today, for example. If my cottage had a revolving door, it would never be still. Louisa left this morning, returning Saturday. That was just about the time Klaus arrived, leaving an hour later. Nelson departs tomorrow, returning Sunday. Hans and family called today to confirm airplane arrivals from England, and Linnea’s family is firming up another visit from Florida. Lars comes and goes from Chicago, and Birgitta and I are in and out daily.

As the front door opens and closes, each arrival and departure is loosely based on our calendars and date books, and all of us have expectations for every day. But what if our plans don’t click quite right? What if something goes wrong?

When Klaus left this afternoon he said, “See you tonight!” but when he arrived, it was with an unidentifiable racket that reverberated through the neighborhood. As he turned into our driveway, the ball joint from his front wheel snapped off the frame of his car, throwing it sideways and bringing him to a screeching stop, metal on asphalt.

When we saw the wheel, it was evident God had prevented a terrible accident. Most of Klaus’ driving is done on roads with a limit of 70 mph. Had the wheel come off at that speed, the car’s response would have been chaotic and catastrophic with him inside. All we could say was, “Wow….”

Scripture tells us God watches over our comings and goings. It doesn’t say he always prevents accidents or brings us to our destination every time, but he does promise to watch, noticing everything that happens to us. And because he uses his great power to affect change, we probably have no idea how many accidents he has averted for us. Tonight he let us identify one of them.

What confuses us is that some accidents God doesn’t prevent. Others he does. We know he has significant reasons for each of his choices, but that can be hard for us to swallow. The disasters he doesn’t prevent impact us heavily, and without understanding the why’s behind them, we bristle with frustration and anger. But it’s important to recognize that many of the accidents he does prevent are unknown to us. We have no idea how many there are, and we don’t give him credit for any of those.

Tonight I do want to give him credit for protecting Klaus and for planning for his wheel to fall off while going 7 mph instead of 70.

Thank you so much, Lord, for today, and for all those other times you protected us when we were unaware.

“The Lord will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121:7-8)


Happy Birthday!

While driving home from Sunday brunch, Louisa, Birgitta, Nelson, and I had a conversation about whether or not time exists in heaven, in days, months, or years. Scripture includes several references to time, which then led us to talk of birthdays. Nate’s birth date was last Saturday, and we wondered aloud if annual celebrations have continued in his new community.

“I don’t think so,” I said. “That’s an earthly thing.” (Everybody knows people don’t get old in heaven.)

But Louisa said, “I think the opposite, that birthdays do continue. But maybe instead of celebrating the day you were born, they celebrate the day you began, which is the day you were conceived.”

While we were thinking about that, Birgitta came up with another scenario. “Maybe it’s the day you arrive in heaven. Maybe that’s the date they celebrate.”

Then Nelson added, “You mean a person’s death date.”


Death date = birth date? Quite possible.

Later in the afternoon we were still pondering our birthday party question. Nephew Andrew said, “Maybe they’re celebrating birthdays linked to the day someone becomes a Christian.” That made sense as we remembered Scripture’s reference to being born again.

Andrew’s wife Kim offered yet another idea. “A birthday party is all about one person, and that much focused attention seems a little selfish for heaven.”

But then Louisa said, “Maybe the only important birthday will be Jesus’. And what date would that be? Probably the day he rose from the dead, which is when spiritual birth dates became available to the rest of us.”

Who knew birthdays could get so complicated?

We didn’t come to any conclusions, but thinking about heaven is something most of us like to do. Sometimes I feel like I have one foot in this world and one in the next, which isn’t a bad way to live. I don’t want to be so heavenly minded I’m no earthly good, but it’s a nice idea to live each day with an awareness that the life around us isn’t all there is. Each of us has a “some day” when this familiar world will recede and eternity will engulf us.

So how do we prepare for that?

We remind ourselves, when trouble comes, that heaven’s trouble-free existence is real and will one day be ours. And when everything is going fine, we marvel that something even better is coming. Then, between the difficult periods and the good times, we speak gratitude to God for planning a spectacular future for us. And while we wait, we practice patience, knowing he’ll transition us when our new home is ready.

I’m not sure about all this birthday business, but I do know one thing: if life in heaven includes any birthday parties, it’s going to sound pretty amazing when legions of angels join in on the “Happy Birthday” song.

“In his great mercy he has given us new birth… into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.” (1 Peter 1:3-4)

Dear Nate,

Yesterday was your birthday, or at least it would have been, had you lived. You died a few weeks after we turned 64 (ten days apart), and this year I turned 67 without you.

Remember how we always celebrated together? The kids would plan a “double-whammy” party, complete with a treasure hunt for our gifts. Their enthusiasm rubbed off on us, and before we knew it we were playing all their silly games with gusto.

The birthday cakes they concocted tasted pretty good coming from such young bakers, but of course even earthly angel food cake could never match whatever heavenly food you’re enjoying now. Maybe you don’t have to eat at all, but my bet is you’re partaking of all kinds of delectable goodies.

Since you left us, life has changed considerably for our family. Four new grandchildren have been added, with another due 8 weeks from today. I wonder what you’d think about Birgitta’s unplanned baby. Although we’re predicting a mix of happiness and struggle, you probably see it differently. Since you live free of calendar dictatorship and the bondage of the clock, maybe you’ve already met this 7th grandchild. While we wait, you may know.

I think often about you, sometimes every hour, always wondering what you’re doing. This morning I was remembering Jesus’ departure from earth to heaven, relating to the disappointment of the disciples who loved him so much. He said, “You can’t go where I’m going,” and they must have been miserable, wondering how they were going to live without him.

I know just how they felt.

When you left the earth, I couldn’t accompany you either. But Jesus encouraged his disappointed disciples by saying, “If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father.” (John 14:28) As unhappy as I was when you first left, I can now genuinely say, “Because I love you, I’m glad you’ve gone to the Father.” Besides, my turn will come, just as it did for all the disciples.

You probably know that these days I’m not blogging about you nearly as much on my web site. Sometimes I feel funny about that, but it’s happening because my heart is feeling much better. I rarely think about your cancer anymore but dwell more on our good times together. Paging through old photo albums this week has made me appreciate you more than ever, and I wish I had thanked you more often, when I had the chance.

I’m glad I can write this letter while thinking about you and your special day, August 18. Although you’ll never again go on a treasure hunt for your presents, surely that doesn’t matter now. These days every minute of every day is found-treasure for you.

“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord.” (Isaiah 45:3)