Always On Time

AbigailMy friend Abigail has a stunning home on a good-looking lot with interior spaces worthy of magazine covers. But I don’t admire her for her home as much as her radical dependence on the Holy Spirit and for always taking God at his word.

Abigail’s home is down the road from a railroad track, and though the tracks are used infrequently, there’s one regular freight train she’s always happy to hear.  It blasts its whistle every day at 10:10, two longs, one short, and another long.

Though such regular racket might be irritating to most, Abigail has found a way to appreciate the 10:10. She uses it as a prompt to claim a Scripture for herself, a verse of truth that’s been a ribbon of reality for her ever since she took up residence near the tracks.

John 10:10.

The biblical setting has Jesus teaching about the life he envisions for everyone who believes in him as the Son of God: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

“They” refers to all who put their trust in him, and “abundantly” describes the rich, full inner life he wants to give, richer and fuller than anyone else can offer.

The thief is the devil. It’s not that he doesn’t make some mighty alluring promises. It’s just that he doesn’t keep them. But it’s even worse than that. Once he gets us to follow, he whirls around and bites us with his intent to steal (what God has promised), to kill (our desire to follow Christ), and to destroy (our spiritual hope).

When we believe Satan, we’re headed for destruction. When we believe Jesus, we’re headed for abundance.

People often say, “But what about the evil in this world? What about things like Mary’s life-threatening cancer and the wretchedness of chemo? Don’t those things steal, kill, and destroy?

As soon as we align with Jesus, the incredible answer is “no”. Cancer may steal good physical health for a while and may kill energy. Chemo may destroy red and white blood cells and force us to surrender regular commitments for a time. But neither cancer nor chemo can ever pluck abundance out of our hearts, souls, and minds.

Although Mary and other cancer patients battle nausea, altered routines, and intense fatigue, those who believe John 10:10 have no trouble recognizing Christ’s abundance inside them, in places that matter far more than physical deficiencies. For instance, Mary has testified to feeling the power of prayer in the middle of her battle, which then produces overflowing comfort and reassurance. And that’s just one example of the abundance God desires to give.

RR crossingAs for Abigail’s affiliation with the 10:10, she’s got me on board, too. Though I’m 2 miles from the tracks, I can still hear the whistle blasting, reminding me that Christ’s abundance is available to us all.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10


Praising and Praying with Mary

  1. Praise for a good day accomplishing wedding “jobs”
  2. Praise for time with grandchildren
  3. Pray for safe travel for family members coming for the weekend, and energy for all the Memorial Day activities