What’s new with Mary?

When last I blogged about my sister Mary and her pancreatic cancer (Mary: Good News, Bad News), the medical word was that the tumor in her liver had grown some, though the cancer in two other places had not. It was a good news/bad news report, but as always, Mary chose to dwell on the good and leave the bad up to God and his plans for her.

That last scan took place nearly six months ago, and since then not much has changed — good news indeed! This statement actually borders on the miraculous, since pancreatic cancer is usually rabid and fast-growing. But our Lord winks at the word “usually” and often steps around it to do something different. After all, he defied gravity by walking on water, dominated nature by piling a river into heaps, and foiled death by coming back to life. Things that are impossible for us are downright easy for Him. We aren’t sure what he’s doing within Mary, but we’re sure delighted she’s still with us!

Mary has decided not to undergo further scans until there’s reason to do so. Blood test numbers are moving slightly but not enough to be worrisome. And so she continues to live each day as the Lord sets them in front of her, one at a time, remaining active and feeling no pain. Right now she’s making plans to feed 45 guests on Christmas Eve.

M & B

Mary wants to pass along her thanks to any of you who still mention her in your prayers and is praying God’s blessing back on you. This blog will continue to keep you posted as the weeks and months unfold, and in the mean time, the statement we made last spring still holds: no news is good news!

The Lord said…” My power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)